10 components of a successful internal video
Lights, camera, action! Have these tips in mind to keep your employees engaged.
Lights, camera, action! Have these tips in mind to keep your employees engaged.
Putting your CEO in front of the camera is a great way to engage employees. Keep these tips and challenges in mind to make the most of your message.
Email remains a daily tool for communicators, despite the popularity of social media, a survey reveals. Specifically, email is the preferred way to deliver crucial information to employees.
It’s time to plan next year’s budget, projects, and staffing. It’s tough; a survey shows that many don’t control their budgets. Don’t get left behind in the stampede for resources.
Is texting a professional form of communication? Will it ever be? The author explores the options.
Key employees have a greater influence on their colleagues than do senior leaders, research shows.
A PoliteMail/Ragan survey shows that email outranks the intranet and supervisor meetings in its importance internally—but it isn’t the most measured.
Insufficient tools are the biggest obstacle to internal communications measurement, this expert says. Do you agree?
Counting opens isn’t enough, respondents say in a Ragan/PoliteMail survey. But many find it hard to measure whether they’re making a difference—and most aren’t measuring at all.
Video can be an effective and engaging way for organizations to communicate with their employees. Keep these tips in mind to make the most of this communication channel.
Curious how your peers use email to reach employees? Which messages work best? How to stop email overload? We’ll get the answers.
Alarmed by employee ignorance of your brand? Follow the lead of McDonald’s, from its revamping of the employee portal to its use of gaming. And, yes, there is milk in that milkshake.
Marketers target specific audiences with certain messages, and internal communicators should be doing the same. Here’s one way they can.
Most organizations measure internal communications, but most are dissatisfied with the results, a new survey reveals. Why is that?
Organizations should encourage employees to create content for intranets and blogs to boost staff morale, while helping recruiting efforts.