Why you should start planning now for your COVID-19 vaccine rollout

Crisis comms veteran Andy Gilman offers advice to organizations based on his work with Johnson & Johnson and Tylenol, and later advising the Canadian government during the SARS outbreak.

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vaccine incentives

Communicators know that getting widespread adoption for the COVID-19 vaccine, especially with reports of heavy skepticism from consumers about the medicine, will require a heavy lift.

However, experts like Andrew Gilman, a veteran of the historic crisis communications effort around Tylenol and Johnson & Johnson in the ‘80s and an advisor to the Canadian government on SARS, argue that early efforts can help break down resistance. Gilman likens the strategy to brands like Apple or Guess, which flood the zone with marketing messages sometimes years before a product is available. An early marketing communications effort could make all the difference for getting your key stakeholders to take the vaccine—and getting your business back on track.

“There’s going to be a ton of information from the state public health department,” Gilman says, information from where to get your vaccine to who should be prioritized to get their shots first. Gilman adds that what will be a persuasive message to one organization’s employees and stakeholders will not necessarily work for another organization.

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