Why PR and marketing pros should still blog

Some say blogging is passé, but compelling content still offers big benefits to organizations.

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Blogging was once a leading PR and marketing strategy.

Businesses viewed blogs as an exciting and innovative marketing tool. Corporate and brand blogs were a go-to place where consumers could find well-researched, trustworthy and thoughtfully presented information on a full range of business topics. Blog comment sections were the center of community discussions. Good blog content ranked high in search engine results.

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These days, most consumers dedicate more time to social media. Blogs typically attract few legitimate comments. Many blogs have stopped accepting comments, due to the deluge of spam and the paucity of meaningful input. As brands post content on social media and pursue leading influencers, they may wonder if blogging has become passé.

PR and marketing pros and their clients may rightly ask: Should we curtail blogging in favor of social media? Should PR and marketing agencies even bother starting blogs for their clients.

The answer is that blogging continues to provide significant PR and marketing benefits. Here they are:

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