Why employee preparedness is essential for engagement

Morale suffers when workers feel left in the dark, neglected or ill-equipped to tackle what lies ahead. Here’s how to keep your team feeling confident and hopeful for the future.

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How to make employees feel prepared and informed

One of the easiest ways to deflate your workforce is to leave them feeling uninformed and underprepared.

Some leaders like keeping workers “on their toes” with as little information or direction as possible. They claim that a culture of “agility” or self-directed activity leads to increased freewheeling innovation and impromptu problem-solving. There might be a kernel of truth in there somewhere, but neglecting preparation and inconsistent communication can devastate employee morale.

[RELATED: Make sure your team is up to date on the latest skills, strategies and practices. Learn more about Ragan Training.]

Gallup recently collected data regarding “employee preparedness and alignment” to track the impact COVID-19 has on this important engagement metric. Gallup found that:

U.S. employees and managers are about 20% less likely than they were in May 2020 to strongly agree that:

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