How PR Pros Can Navigate Election Noise from D S Simon Media

2024 TV News Producer Survey

This presidential election year poses unique challenges for brands and their public relations teams. A recent survey from D S Simon Media revealed that 83% of PR pros view the election as either a significant challenge or an opportunity for their media relations plans. In this report you’ll learn, directly from TV news producers, how it is still possible to earn media during the election year. You’ll also learn how PR pros are adjusting their strategy to deliver for their organizations and clients.

In “How PR Pros Can Navigate Election Noise: The 2024 TV News Producers Report,” D S Simon Media unveils the results of its survey of TV stations, local affiliates and PR professionals nationwide on their likelihood to devote programming to political election coverage during this presidential election year. From this report, you’ll learn:

  • Why politics isn’t covered more on local TV news.
  • Topics that interest TV producers.
  • Station preference for in-house spokespeople vs. third-party experts.
  • … and much more.

Download this FREE report today to explore the survey's key findings and understand what PR pros can do to adapt to the election year media effect. While 10% of PR pros are simply giving up this year, you won’t have to with this report.

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