We’re tracking the transformation of workplace wellness. Help us by taking this brief survey

Share how wellness is changing at your organization. We’ll keep all responses confidential.

The workplace wellness industry is not just growing fast, it’s morphing into something different from what it was as recently as 18 months ago. Workplace wellness has expanded into new areas in the last 12 months, including employee mental and financial health, and diversity and inclusion.

To get a clearer picture of what’s happening across the industry, Ragan’s Workplace Wellness Insider developed this brief survey for professionals in wellness, HR and communications. Please take a few minutes to fill out this questionnaire by Friday, February 26th.

Your responses will be fully confidential. We’ll be sure to send you an executive summary highlighting the results. Additionally, you’ll receive a $100 voucher to apply to any Workplace Wellness Insider product or event and a chance to win one of five $25 Amazon gift cards.

Take the survey here.


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