Video tips from Google’s Zynara Ng

Here’s how this industry veteran breaks down the video creation process with tips on what kinds of questions to ask to get the best story for your campaign.

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Editor’s note: This story is taken from Ragan Communications’ distance-learning portal The site contains hundreds of hours of case studies, video presentations, and interactive courses. Learn more about this session.

What are the essential elements of a video story, and how can you ensure your process captures everything you need?

Creating video content is unlike almost any other process, a mixture of intensive planning and the ability to be flexible and go where the moment takes you. It requires a storyteller’s eye and instincts and hours of hard work to create short snippets.

It’s an investment.

[RELATED: Make sure your team is up to date on the latest skills, strategies and practices. Learn more about Ragan Training.]

YouTube veteran and current Googler Zynara Ng shares tips on how to tell a compelling video story as part of her presentation “Communicating purpose through corporate video.”  The session recording is part of the Ragan Training library for communicators.

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