Survey: Top workplace nettles, headaches and faux pas

Employees and managers alike dish on which work quirks and office offenses drive them over the edge. You might think twice about hitting ‘reply all’ on that after-hours email.

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If working were just a matter of doing the work, work wouldn’t be so bad.

Alas, for many of us, the workplace is a confounding, byzantine sort of “Hunger Games,” where we’re pitted against colleagues in a fight for career survival. Along the way, we’re subjected to a steady barrage of slings, arrows, indignities and nuisances—many of which start and end with communication.

Of course, there are many modern workplace annoyances. recently surveyed more than 800 employees (including workers and bosses) to get straight talk on which behaviors workers found to be the most egregious “violations of workplace decorum.”

[RELATED: Make sure your team is up to date on the latest skills, strategies and practices. Learn more about Ragan Training.]

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