Thursday, Sept. 19

8:30–9:30 a.m.
Opening keynote

Harness empathy to power your stories and boost your bottom line

A compelling and distinctive story can cut through the cluttered landscape of content and help you define and communicate your organization’s unique attributes. Don’t let technological tools or the plethora of latest trends distract you from the crucial emotional connection you must create with readers. Storytelling has become a powerful business tool in today's digital age because it begins and ends with empathy, driving an immersive and emotional experience for all audiences and stakeholders. Though not every tidbit is a story, an interesting narrative that’s dynamically told can cut to the core of your values and inspire your audience to act. In this interactive opening keynote, Miri Rodriguez, storyteller and head of the global internship program for Microsoft, will share how you can effectively tell your best stories with empathy, along with practical tools to help you become a skilled storyteller.

Senior Storyteller, Author "Brand Storytelling"
Read bio
9:40-10:30 a.m.

Give them something to talk about: Content strategies that drive success

Communicators can escape such common pain points as low consumer engagement and lackluster media coverage by unearthing interesting stories and brainstorming content ideas that trump traditional product announcements and corporate “news.” How can you get started—and grab executive approval? Jessica Lange Hollister, director of communications and events for The North Face, will share the secrets of the savvy content strategy that the organization uses to launch successful brand narratives and boost media relations, traditional marketing efforts and communications initiatives.

You’ll learn:

  • How to generate buzzworthy content and ideas that will spark conversation
  • Why content marketing is a shared effort across PR, internal and executive communications, and marketing departments
  • How PR pros can overcome content obstacles and come up with fresh solutions to uncover the stories that must be told
  • Ways content can drive other successes, including media coverage, paid advertising and social media engagement
  • Tips for well-rounded influencer programs and relationships
Director of communications and events
The North Face
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10:40–11:30 a.m.

Sharing narratives that matter: How activism and storytelling can go hand in hand

It can be intimidating to take part in politically charged conversations and comment on hot-button social issues, but your organization’s beliefs and values can become the center of your business story. More and more consumers are looking to organizations to take stands on important issues, so take a page from the playbook of an ice cream brand that considers itself an “aspiring social justice company.” Sean Greenwood, grand poobah of PR for Ben & Jerry’s, will show how the company speaks out about climate change, criminal justice reform, controversial legislation, racism and more. Through flavors such as “Pecan Resist” and “Empower Mint,” Greenwood will highlight the ways in which the company weaves its mission and purpose into its storytelling efforts, along with how you can bolster your brand voice to include important initiatives alongside news and product launches.

You’ll learn:

  • Considerations for taking part in controversial conversations so you can avoid backlash
  • Tips for partnering with other organizations and people in and outside your community to strengthen your messages and campaigns
  • How to balance your branded tone and voice with social initiatives and corporate social responsibility aims
  • Ways to encourage employees, executives and more to embrace your mission and help you tell your most important stories
Grand Poobah of PR
Ben & Jerry’s
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11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.

Networking lunch

(provided onsite)

12:30–2 p.m.
Interactive session

Transform your stories from ho-hums to high-fives

Everyone can find or craft a good story—all it takes is stretching your storytelling muscles and getting the creative juices flowing. Come ready to dive into this fast-paced, interactive session that will reveal the steps to take to transform your stories from mundane to memorable. Working in groups, you’ll choose a story, brainstorm the elements and deliver a pitch, complete with headline, teaser, key elements, visuals and more—in less than 90 minutes. Put your writer’s cap on: This exercise will move quickly. Award-winning journalist and longtime editor Jim Ylisela will give assignments and work with each group to develop story ideas that are ready for prime time.

In each group, you will:

  • Work with team members to select the best story to pitch
  • Brainstorm reporting needs and “nice to haves”
  • Map out a lead photo and potential use of video and infographics
  • Craft a social media post that will draw a crowd
  • Write a great headline and teaser that will entice clicks
Co-Founder and Senior Partner
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2:10–3 p.m.

Fireside chat: Achieve storytelling success with smart digital content strategies

Outstanding content can effectively relay your organization’s most important stories, but that’s just the start: It can also effectively relay important information, change perceptions and provide customer care. David Johnston, social media manager for the TSA, and Rae Hoyt, manager of content production for technology courses at LinkedIn Learning, will discuss how combining savvy storytelling with innovative content marketing strategies can support business and communications strategies while boosting your organization’s brand and forging connections with audience members.

You’ll learn:

  • Ways to test your content to see what resonates
  • Tips for telling your organization’s narrative and changing perceptions even when you receive backlash
  • How to take pages from successful social media playbooks
  • Steps for providing customer care no matter your organization’s industry


Manager of content production for technology courses
LinkedIn Learning
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David Johnston
Head of Social Media
United States Department of Defense
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3–3:30 p.m.

Networking break

3:30-4:20 p.m.

Moving from data-based insights to human-centered content

An interesting fact or startling statistic can inform your content strategy. However, to truly capture audiences’ attention, you must gather the analytics and information and turn it into human-centered insights. This can ultimately help what you deliver and make sure it is seen by the right people, which in turn can boost your organization’s bottom line. It can also help you bolster your brand image and cut down on wasted budget dollars. Ian Cohen, global head of content and innovation for PayPal, will share takeaways from the company’s Content Center of Excellence and lessons learned from crafting and distributing branded and partner content that resonates.

You’ll learn:

  • Why data is crucial to effective storytelling and outstanding content creation
  • How to use data to target (and retarget) audiences who will help you achieve your goals
  • Ways to move beyond “transactional” content and embrace the human side of storytelling
  • Tips for working with executives and your organization’s subject matter experts to deliver members of the news media the heart of your best stories
  • How to harness data before, during and after you create a piece of content—and how it fits into a rolling news cycle
Head of global content innovation and creation
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4:30–5:30 p.m.
Special keynote

Storytelling that delivers 'out of this galaxy' results

Strap in for a “light speed tour” of the Disney Parks content engine that delivers Disney magic to fans around the world. Thomas Smith, editorial content director at Disney Parks and founder of the award-winning Disney Parks Blog, will take you inside a storytelling program that continues to generate remarkable results and share secrets to harnessing social media platforms to reach audiences and nurture a thriving community of passionate followers.

You’ll learn takeaways from its newsroom and content platform models, including top tools, resources and ideas for creating Disney-like content that attracts and delights audiences. You'll also get a peek into the Disney Parks' approach to planning and creating winning content (and how they constantly introduce innovative strategies to shake things up) as you learn the power of engaging employees within your program and the benefits of building and scaling your community.


Editorial content director
Disney Parks
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7-9 p.m.

Networking cocktail party

Hosted by Walt Disney Parks & Resorts


Join us for a magical networking cocktail party at Starcade, located inside of Disneyland Park’s Tomorrowland. Chat with industry peers and snap photos with a few surprise guests (don’t forget to use our #RaganContent hashtag). Enjoy delicious appetizers and drinks as you soak in your surroundings—and then prepare to delight in Disneyland’s Main Street Electrical Parade!

Following drinks, you’ll be escorted to a private viewing area to watch the fan-favorite parade that’s back for a limited-time encore engagement. Embrace nostalgia as it starts with a majestic salute to America followed by floats featuring Mickey, Minnie, Cinderella, Pete’s Dragon, Alice in Wonderland and more covered in 500,000 sparkling lights and set to bouncing tunes.

Friday, Sept. 20

8:15-9:15 a.m.
opening keynote

The #HiltonEffect: Highlighting impact, accomplishments and the future through the lens of human storytelling

Every organization is creating content nowadays, but are people responding to it? As Hilton celebrates its 100th year as a leader in global hospitality, it’s also building a content strategy centered around people: travelers (both business and leisure), employees and the people of the communities and countries in which Hilton operates.

Lou Dubois, global director of content for Hilton Worldwide, led Hilton’s 100-year-celebration with a storytelling narrative that celebrated not just the company’s gorgeous properties around the world (5,500 and counting in 113 countries and territories), but the people who have helped the organization reach this incredible milestone. He’ll share successes and takeaways from an effort to focus on human stories that transcend borders, languages and cultures. Learn how you can use human-centric storytelling, a global online newsroom strategy, organized archival assets and your biggest brand advocates—your employees—to help achieve content goals, boost your brand image and ultimately help create a smarter and more effective organizational narrative.

Sr. Director, Head of Content, Creative & HDTV
The Home Depot
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9:25-10:15 a.m.

Channel your inner journalist: Secrets for finding and telling strong stories

Creating content that says the same thing as previously published blogs, podcasts and more means that your work will face tall competition out the gate. Plus, does creating something that’s already available to audiences deliver value for readers, viewers and listeners? It is possible to find ideas and produce content that answers questions and identifies trends that others haven’t created. Through best practices and storytelling secrets such as her “chicken test,” Michelle Park Lazette, senior writer for the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland who worked in newsrooms for roughly a decade, will show you how to uncover stories within your organization that sing—and ways you can best tell them to make a splash.

You’ll learn:

  • Five sources you can regularly mine for truly differentiated story ideas, even when you think your content well is dry
  • A strategy for testing story ideas to be sure they warrant becoming content
  • How to spice up storytelling—even if the content is seemingly dull
  • Tips for thinking like a journalist when selecting and writing your narratives
Marketing Strategist
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
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10:25-11:30 a.m.

Punch up your social media content with video and visuals

A picture can quickly say a thousand words, and GIFs and videos can relay even more messages in a short time. Visuals are a necessary addition to outstanding storytelling efforts, especially when you’re competing for attention with other social media users and content creators. In this interactive panel, you’ll have the opportunity to ask digital content experts your questions and glean insights on how you can get a jump on relaying your narratives with images and videos instead of walls of text.

You’ll learn :

  • Considerations for tailoring and sharing videos across different social media platforms
  • Rules for shooting and editing video that captures attention, keeping in mind the device your viewer is using
  • Ways to tell your story (and brand mission) through visuals
  • Tips for striking the right tone and voice with your social media content, with or without using words
Senior manager of communications and social media
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Director of Social Media
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Social media marketing manager
Vancouver Clinic
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Editorial content director
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Editorial Content Director (former)
Disney Parks
Read bio
11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.

Networking lunch

(provided on-site)

12:30 –1:20 p.m.

Storytelling with an eye on diversity: How to welcome many audiences with your marketing messages

Philadelphia is the City of Brotherly Love, which might explain why Visit Philadelphia is committed to making sure that everyone knows they are welcome to the Philadelphia region. However, you don’t have to run a citywide marketing campaign to be a champion of diversity and inclusion. Rachel Ferguson, chief innovation and global diversity officer for Visit Philadelphia, will talk about what her team has done to show diverse audiences that Philadelphia is an accepting and welcoming destination for all. She’ll show off the company’s new Latinx campaign and efforts around Pride Month and Black Music Month, share takeaways from these promotions and explain why you should understand and cater to diverse audiences with storytelling strategies that uplift instead of offend. She’ll also make the case for why your entire team must be involved in these efforts from the very beginning of the planning process.

You’ll learn:

  • How to thoughtfully and cautiously tell more inclusive stories, with an eye on the big picture and who to involve
  • How to immerse yourself within your community and encourage crowdsourced content and ideas
  • Tips for striking an authentic tone and voice while uncovering important and diverse stories that welcome the audiences you’re looking to attract
  • Trips for stretching your stories, grabbing headlines and increasing social media engagement
  • How to move past messages that feel like a marketing grab and instead offer a welcome and respectful voice
Rachel Ferguson
Chief Innovation and Global Diversity Officer
Visit Philadelphia
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1:30–2:20 p.m.

Boost digital content and online engagement through social media ads

A steady stream of compelling content and interesting stories is crucial to a successful social media strategy. However, the changing algorithms that top social media platforms have implemented mean that even outstanding content can get buried in the timelines of your targeted audiences. To compensate, you can marry your digital content campaigns to your social media ads. James Chong, senior manager of social customer engagement at TOMS, will show you how to combine paid tactics with a constant feed of stories to produce results without blowing your budget.

You’ll learn:

  • How to stand out in crowded online newsfeeds and marketplaces
  • The most effective social media platforms for ads and sponsored content
  • How to build a cost-effective audience targeting strategy online
  • Ways that TOMS boosts engagement (and sales) with promoted social media posts, along with tips for doing the same
Senior Manager of Digital Marketing
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2:30–3:30 p.m.
Closing keynote

How to sell purpose: Making a case for mission-driven content that builds your brand (and the bottom line)

Effective storytelling and content marketing efforts require a solid foundation in understanding your organization’s mission and strategic vision, marrying what your organization stands for with consumers behavior and needs to bring ROI and boost the bottom line. It’s a tall order that can put you in the driver’s seat for your organization’s traffic and revenue, when married with creativity and branding savvy.

Whitney Curry, former director of brand marketing for Zillow, brought a 5x increase of brand awareness and double-digit traffic growth year over year through the creation and distribution in more than 50 original premium content videos, original content partnerships and other storytelling, branding and marketing campaigns. She’ll share lessons for securing executive buy in on issues-based marketing programs as she shares the role Zillow's mission played in the company's recent re-branding efforts.

Former director of brand marketing
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Thursday, Sept. 19

8:30–9:30 a.m. Pacific time
Opening keynote

Harness empathy to power your stories and boost your bottom line

A compelling and distinctive story can cut through the cluttered landscape of content and help you define and communicate your organization’s unique attributes. Don’t let technological tools or the plethora of latest trends distract you from the crucial emotional connection you must create with readers. Storytelling has become a powerful business tool in today's digital age because it begins and ends with empathy, driving an immersive and emotional experience for all audiences and stakeholders. Though not every tidbit is a story, an interesting narrative that’s dynamically told can cut to the core of your values and inspire your audience to act. In this interactive opening keynote, Miri Rodriguez, storyteller and head of the global internship program for Microsoft, will share how you can effectively tell your best stories with empathy, along with practical tools to help you become a skilled storyteller.

Senior Storyteller, Author "Brand Storytelling"
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9:40-10:30 a.m. Pacific time

Give them something to talk about: Content strategies that drive success

Communicators can escape such common pain points as low consumer engagement and lackluster media coverage by unearthing interesting stories and brainstorming content ideas that trump traditional product announcements and corporate “news.” How can you get started—and grab executive approval? Jessica Lange Hollister, director of communications and events for The North Face, will share the secrets of the savvy content strategy that the organization uses to launch successful brand narratives and boost media relations, traditional marketing efforts and communications initiatives.

You’ll learn:

  • How to generate buzzworthy content and ideas that will spark conversation
  • Why content marketing is a shared effort across PR, internal and executive communications, and marketing departments
  • How PR pros can overcome content obstacles and come up with fresh solutions to uncover the stories that must be told
  • Ways content can drive other successes, including media coverage, paid advertising and social media engagement
  • Tips for well-rounded influencer programs and relationships
Director of communications and events
The North Face
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10:40–11:30 a.m. Pacific time

Sharing narratives that matter: How activism and storytelling can go hand in hand

It can be intimidating to take part in politically charged conversations and comment on hot-button social issues, but your organization’s beliefs and values can become the center of your business story. More and more consumers are looking to organizations to take stands on important issues, so take a page from the playbook of an ice cream brand that considers itself an “aspiring social justice company.” Sean Greenwood, grand poobah of PR for Ben & Jerry’s, will show how the company speaks out about climate change, criminal justice reform, controversial legislation, racism and more. Through flavors such as “Pecan Resist” and “Empower Mint,” Greenwood will highlight the ways in which the company weaves its mission and purpose into its storytelling efforts, along with how you can bolster your brand voice to include important initiatives alongside news and product launches.

You’ll learn:

  • Considerations for taking part in controversial conversations so you can avoid backlash
  • Tips for partnering with other organizations and people in and outside your community to strengthen your messages and campaigns
  • How to balance your branded tone and voice with social initiatives and corporate social responsibility aims
  • Ways to encourage employees, executives and more to embrace your mission and help you tell your most important stories
Grand Poobah of PR
Ben & Jerry’s
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12:30–2 p.m. Pacific time
Interactive session

Transform your stories from ho-hums to high-fives

Everyone can find or craft a good story—all it takes is stretching your storytelling muscles and getting the creative juices flowing. Come ready to dive into this fast-paced, interactive session that will reveal the steps to take to transform your stories from mundane to memorable. Working in groups, you’ll choose a story, brainstorm the elements and deliver a pitch, complete with headline, teaser, key elements, visuals and more—in less than 90 minutes. Put your writer’s cap on: This exercise will move quickly. Award-winning journalist and longtime editor Jim Ylisela will give assignments and work with each group to develop story ideas that are ready for prime time.

In each group, you will:

  • Work with team members to select the best story to pitch
  • Brainstorm reporting needs and “nice to haves”
  • Map out a lead photo and potential use of video and infographics
  • Craft a social media post that will draw a crowd
  • Write a great headline and teaser that will entice clicks
Co-Founder and Senior Partner
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3:30-4:20 p.m. Pacific time

Moving from data-based insights to human-centered content

An interesting fact or startling statistic can inform your content strategy. However, to truly capture audiences’ attention, you must gather the analytics and information and turn it into human-centered insights. This can ultimately help what you deliver and make sure it is seen by the right people, which in turn can boost your organization’s bottom line. It can also help you bolster your brand image and cut down on wasted budget dollars. Ian Cohen, global head of content and innovation for PayPal, will share takeaways from the company’s Content Center of Excellence and lessons learned from crafting and distributing branded and partner content that resonates.

You’ll learn:

  • Why data is crucial to effective storytelling and outstanding content creation
  • How to use data to target (and retarget) audiences who will help you achieve your goals
  • Ways to move beyond “transactional” content and embrace the human side of storytelling
  • Tips for working with executives and your organization’s subject matter experts to deliver members of the news media the heart of your best stories
  • How to harness data before, during and after you create a piece of content—and how it fits into a rolling news cycle
Head of global content innovation and creation
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4:30–5:30 p.m. Pacific time
Special keynote

Storytelling that delivers 'out of this galaxy' results

Strap in for a “light speed tour” of the Disney Parks content engine that delivers Disney magic to fans around the world. Thomas Smith, editorial content director at Disney Parks and founder of the award-winning Disney Parks Blog, will take you inside a storytelling program that continues to generate remarkable results and share secrets to harnessing social media platforms to reach audiences and nurture a thriving community of passionate followers.

You’ll learn takeaways from its newsroom and content platform models, including top tools, resources and ideas for creating Disney-like content that attracts and delights audiences. You'll also get a peek into the Disney Parks' approach to planning and creating winning content (and how they constantly introduce innovative strategies to shake things up) as you learn the power of engaging employees within your program and the benefits of building and scaling your community.


Editorial content director
Disney Parks
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Friday, Sept. 20

8:15-9:15 a.m. Pacific time
opening keynote

The #HiltonEffect: Highlighting impact, accomplishments and the future through the lens of human storytelling

Every organization is creating content nowadays, but are people responding to it? As Hilton celebrates its 100th year as a leader in global hospitality, it’s also building a content strategy centered around people: travelers (both business and leisure), employees and the people of the communities and countries in which Hilton operates.

Lou Dubois, global director of content for Hilton Worldwide, led Hilton’s 100-year-celebration with a storytelling narrative that celebrated not just the company’s gorgeous properties around the world (5,500 and counting in 113 countries and territories), but the people who have helped the organization reach this incredible milestone. He’ll share successes and takeaways from an effort to focus on human stories that transcend borders, languages and cultures. Learn how you can use human-centric storytelling, a global online newsroom strategy, organized archival assets and your biggest brand advocates—your employees—to help achieve content goals, boost your brand image and ultimately help create a smarter and more effective organizational narrative.

Sr. Director, Head of Content, Creative & HDTV
The Home Depot
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9:25-10:15 a.m. Pacific time

Channel your inner journalist: Secrets for finding and telling strong stories

Creating content that says the same thing as previously published blogs, podcasts and more means that your work will face tall competition out the gate. Plus, does creating something that’s already available to audiences deliver value for readers, viewers and listeners? It is possible to find ideas and produce content that answers questions and identifies trends that others haven’t created. Through best practices and storytelling secrets such as her “chicken test,” Michelle Park Lazette, senior writer for the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland who worked in newsrooms for roughly a decade, will show you how to uncover stories within your organization that sing—and ways you can best tell them to make a splash.

You’ll learn:

  • Five sources you can regularly mine for truly differentiated story ideas, even when you think your content well is dry
  • A strategy for testing story ideas to be sure they warrant becoming content
  • How to spice up storytelling—even if the content is seemingly dull
  • Tips for thinking like a journalist when selecting and writing your narratives
Marketing Strategist
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
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10:25-11:30 a.m. Pacific time

Punch up your social media content with video and visuals

A picture can quickly say a thousand words, and GIFs and videos can relay even more messages in a short time. Visuals are a necessary addition to outstanding storytelling efforts, especially when you’re competing for attention with other social media users and content creators. In this interactive panel, you’ll have the opportunity to ask digital content experts your questions and glean insights on how you can get a jump on relaying your narratives with images and videos instead of walls of text.

You’ll learn :

  • Considerations for tailoring and sharing videos across different social media platforms
  • Rules for shooting and editing video that captures attention, keeping in mind the device your viewer is using
  • Ways to tell your story (and brand mission) through visuals
  • Tips for striking the right tone and voice with your social media content, with or without using words
Senior manager of communications and social media
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Director of Social Media
Read bio
Social media marketing manager
Vancouver Clinic
Read bio
Editorial content director
Read bio
Editorial Content Director (former)
Disney Parks
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12:30 –1:20 p.m. Pacific time

Storytelling with an eye on diversity: How to welcome many audiences with your marketing messages

Philadelphia is the City of Brotherly Love, which might explain why Visit Philadelphia is committed to making sure that everyone knows they are welcome to the Philadelphia region. However, you don’t have to run a citywide marketing campaign to be a champion of diversity and inclusion. Rachel Ferguson, chief innovation and global diversity officer for Visit Philadelphia, will talk about what her team has done to show diverse audiences that Philadelphia is an accepting and welcoming destination for all. She’ll show off the company’s new Latinx campaign and efforts around Pride Month and Black Music Month, share takeaways from these promotions and explain why you should understand and cater to diverse audiences with storytelling strategies that uplift instead of offend. She’ll also make the case for why your entire team must be involved in these efforts from the very beginning of the planning process.

You’ll learn:

  • How to thoughtfully and cautiously tell more inclusive stories, with an eye on the big picture and who to involve
  • How to immerse yourself within your community and encourage crowdsourced content and ideas
  • Tips for striking an authentic tone and voice while uncovering important and diverse stories that welcome the audiences you’re looking to attract
  • Trips for stretching your stories, grabbing headlines and increasing social media engagement
  • How to move past messages that feel like a marketing grab and instead offer a welcome and respectful voice
Rachel Ferguson
Chief Innovation and Global Diversity Officer
Visit Philadelphia
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1:30–2:20 p.m. Pacific time

Boost digital content and online engagement through social media ads

A steady stream of compelling content and interesting stories is crucial to a successful social media strategy. However, the changing algorithms that top social media platforms have implemented mean that even outstanding content can get buried in the timelines of your targeted audiences. To compensate, you can marry your digital content campaigns to your social media ads. James Chong, senior manager of social customer engagement at TOMS, will show you how to combine paid tactics with a constant feed of stories to produce results without blowing your budget.

You’ll learn:

  • How to stand out in crowded online newsfeeds and marketplaces
  • The most effective social media platforms for ads and sponsored content
  • How to build a cost-effective audience targeting strategy online
  • Ways that TOMS boosts engagement (and sales) with promoted social media posts, along with tips for doing the same
Senior Manager of Digital Marketing
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2:30–3:30 p.m. Pacific time
Closing keynote

How to sell purpose: Making a case for mission-driven content that builds your brand (and the bottom line)

Effective storytelling and content marketing efforts require a solid foundation in understanding your organization’s mission and strategic vision, marrying what your organization stands for with consumers behavior and needs to bring ROI and boost the bottom line. It’s a tall order that can put you in the driver’s seat for your organization’s traffic and revenue, when married with creativity and branding savvy.

Whitney Curry, former director of brand marketing for Zillow, brought a 5x increase of brand awareness and double-digit traffic growth year over year through the creation and distribution in more than 50 original premium content videos, original content partnerships and other storytelling, branding and marketing campaigns. She’ll share lessons for securing executive buy in on issues-based marketing programs as she shares the role Zillow's mission played in the company's recent re-branding efforts.

Former director of brand marketing
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