Inspiring quotations on writing for content marketers

From Buddha to Dr. Seuss, from Aristotle to Steve Martin, these insightful scribes offer wisdom and wisecracks about proper punctuation, coping with criticism, and beating writer’s block.

So do Jack London, Elmore Leonard, Mark Twain and other literary luminaries.

Of course, Ernest, Jack, Elmore, and Mark didn’t think what they were up to was creating something called “content”—but, as you do every day, they were repeatedly challenged to come up with something insightful, useful and compelling to share with the world.

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They learned some things in their careers that can help you with yours. Here are their thoughts:

On getting started

A blank screen is terrifying. You might have a topic in mind, and even an angle that might work for illuminating it, but your fingers seem paralyzed, hovering over the keyboard. That first word simply won’t come.

On editing

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