Infographic: 5 types of social media complainers — and how to handle them

Most customers expect you to address their concerns via social media. Use this guide to determine what type of unhappy customer you’re dealing with, and how you can make things right.

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As a social media or community manager, it’s fun to see customers interact with your brand online.

What isn’t fun is dealing with the inevitable complaints. No matter what company you work for, there will always be someone who isn’t satisfied.

An infographic from ExactTarget describes five types of social media complainers, and the best way to deal with each of them. Take a look:

1. The meek customer: This person doesn’t typically complain, but will post or comment if she has been pushed to the edge. She will be happy if you let her know you hear her and want to help.

2. The aggressive customer: This person complains often — and loudly. But if you solve his problem quickly and efficiently, he’s likely to become a vocal brand advocate.

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