Infographic: 40 brand logos with subliminal messages

Gillette’s logo hints at its razors’ sharpness, and Tostito’s subtly encourages gathering around chips and salsa with friends. Get the full story behind brand logos in this infographic.

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When my siblings and I were little, my mom would take us shopping as soon as school let out for the summer. We would spend an afternoon stocking up on toys and crafts to keep us busy during the summer break. It was a kid’s dream.

One of the craft projects Mom would suggest involved writing a secret message in white crayon on white paper, then painting over it with watercolors to reveal what we wrote.

We thought exposing the hidden message was so neat, and frankly, I still love the idea of hidden messages.

If you do, too, check out this infographic from Oomph. It reveals the subliminal imagery in some of the best-known brand logos, like those of Gillette, LG, Baskin Robbins, Unilever, BMW, Tostito’s and more.

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