Guidance for communicators to craft authentic, meaningful D&I initiatives
Start by establishing the ‘why?’ of your project. Then, work to get execs on board, and consistently prove the substantive business value of inclusive messaging.
Does your company take diversity and inclusion seriously?
If not, it could be in serious jeopardy.
Drawing on lessons shared by Janet M. Stovall at Ragan’s 2019 conference held at Microsoft, let’s review how communicators can create authentic, lasting and substantive diversity and inclusion campaigns.
Diversity in communications: Where do we start?
Stovall recommended a TED Talk by Simon Sinek: “How great leaders inspire action.” The video pushes communicators to consider the importance of asking “why?” before embarking on an initiative.
Why should your company pursue diversity and inclusion? Why would such a program help the business? Why is this worth funding and prioritization?
Sinek explains that most company leaders know “how” to do something—and “what” they do—but very few can articulate the “why.” What’s our higher purpose that underpins everything we do? Why do we exist?
This is crucial to reckon with before launching a D&I initiative.
Presenting the value of diversity to reluctant leadership
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