Don’t make these marketing blunders on social media
Among the mistakes: Publishing too often (or not often enough), being too promotional and measuring the wrong metrics.
The smallest of factors could mean the difference between a viral post and a dead tweet.
Even experienced social media marketers make mistakes, so it pays to review common blunders.
Are you guilty of any of these social media marketing sins?
1. Publishing too often or too infrequently
Your frequency of publishing matters more than you know. Publishing too often could annoy your followers, and publishing too rarely could drastically reduce your reach.
What’s the right publishing frequency? That depends on your brand, industry and the size of your social media following. Regardless, the best way to identify the ideal publishing frequency is by conducting experiments.
Use a social media scheduling tool such as DrumUp to schedule different frequencies over a 2–3 week period and see what works best for your brand.
2. Being overly promotional
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Tags: social media