3 things writers must do before clicking ‘publish’
Check your headline, subheads and verbs before you send your post or article out to the Internet. Here’s why.
Check your headline, subheads and verbs before you send your post or article out to the Internet. Here’s why.
Is it ‘farther’ or ‘further’? Should I use ‘fortuitous’ or ‘fortunate’? A look at word pairs that share pronunciations or linguistic roots, yet have different meanings.
The familiar, formulaic approach is like catnip for many readers. Here’s how to ensure that your article is clear, informative and engaging.
These verbal tics bog down your writing and lull readers to sleep.
If you’ve worked in the corporate communications world for very long, you’ve definitely seen, or perhaps committed, these transgressions.
Imprecision breeds confusion, so choose your ranges with care.
Imprecision breeds confusion, so choose your ranges with care.
Writers and editors often debate the necessity of this conjunction in text. Here are guidelines for when to include it and when to leave it out.
Fluff, repetition and poor usage will turn readers off and send them elsewhere for information.
From clever apps to a simple ballpoint and legal pad, these can boost your productivity and help you organize all your flashes of brilliance.
Befuddlement arises when two words have similar pronunciations, are frequently mispronounced or have related but distinct meanings.
“Make no little plans,” said the American architect Daniel Burnham. But in writing, deliberate or unconscious grandiosity will bring you nothing but trouble, says this writing expert.
If the antecedent is singular, it’s grammatically incorrect to use ‘they,’ but ‘he or she’ is clunky. Where do you stand?
This digital channel affords organizations the chance to provide relevant content while gently selling readers on the brand. Are you making the most of yours?
Media Is Power offers up these tips to make creating content a simpler task.