To keep communication clear, avoid misplaced modifiers
Botched syntax isn’t just a matter of awkward phrasing; it can deliver an unintended—even incorrect—message. Here’s how to recognize and remedy those errant qualifiers.
Botched syntax isn’t just a matter of awkward phrasing; it can deliver an unintended—even incorrect—message. Here’s how to recognize and remedy those errant qualifiers.
Your website is lovely, your blog posts are lyrical, but typos and bad syntax could be driving potential customers away by the thousands. Stanch the bleeding. Here’s how.
Do you know the difference between ‘tortuous’ and ‘torturous’? Have you ever mistaken ‘tenet’ for ‘tenant’? It’s time to get these and other homonyms straight.
What do Kobe Bryant and Paul McCartney have in common? They practice their respective crafts to improve. Writers should do so, too. Try these tactics to keep your writing skills sharp.
Although many PR pros study the guide’s latest edition, feeling rusty about your familiarity is nothing to be shy about. Here are a few tips to help you find the entry you need with ease.
From Grammar Girl’s weekly batch of helpful tips to guidelines on self-publishing, the array of options will prove helpful to scribes of all types.
Gathering a cache of less commonly used words takes time, but it’s well worth it. Here are some to get you started.
More depends on a good headline for a post than you might imagine. Social research has uncovered powerful truths about writing a headline that inspires lots of online sharing.
PR pros and ad execs have long looked to David Ogilvy as a guide. His well-known approach to copywriting is considered imaginative and unorthodox. Here’s a spin on his 10 tips for writing.
Through its 2015 fourth-quarter updates, the august Oxford English Dictionary’s stokes the PR fires with controversial neologisms.
Time of day matters, as do making time to read and keeping a tidy workspace, and that ticking timer can have you salivating over the prospect of composing your latest essay or blog post.
The president’s address to Congress grabbed widespread attention in political circles and beyond. PR pros should know the basics of writing about the 2016 campaign. Follow these tips.
Want to make your content more enticing to readers? If you have trouble coming up with titles that grab attention, check out these resources.
The punctuation mark can be tricky even for veteran writers. Follow these rules to use the oft-abused characters correctly.
Earn your audience and write to the level of your harshest critics.