7 more perplexing word combinations
Are you mixing up ‘incredulous’ and ‘incredible?’ If so, you’re not alone. See if you can navigate these sound-alike terms that trip up even veteran writers.
Are you mixing up ‘incredulous’ and ‘incredible?’ If so, you’re not alone. See if you can navigate these sound-alike terms that trip up even veteran writers.
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Most writers will concede that the process of writing is just fine, even enjoyable at times, but starting an assignment—even one of your own making—is as appealing as a root canal.
These insights from both sides of the desk will help you work efficiently, fulfill your subject matter and deadline targets, and foster good will for future assignments.
The guidelines for novelists and screenwriters apply to anyone who strings words together to tell a story, inform readers or engage an audience—and keep your editor at bay.
Wonder why ‘mad as a hatter’ means crazy or ‘painting the town red’ denotes a wild night out? We’re spilling the beans on how these quirky sayings came about. Don’t turn a blind eye.
An astonishing amount of communications copy is verbose, badly proofread, carelessly edited. Read below to remind yourself of tenets most often violated by PR pros.
Use plain, simple language to make your point effectively in the business world.
Writers and editors often debate the necessity of this conjunction in text. Here are guidelines for when to include it and when to leave it out.
The professionals agree that copywriting formulas can help focus your writing and your thinking even as they improve your content and increase your productivity.
These terms and phrases can trip up even veteran writers. Take this usage quiz to see how much of a word nerd you are.
Ol’ Blue Eyes is known for his voice, but the lyrics to the songs he crooned offer good insight for writers looking to turn stardust into a very good year.
The experts agree: You don’t have to reinvent the wheel with every blog post or tweet so save time and increase readership with these tested copywriting formulas.
In case you are unaware, dear readers, the comma helps sets off dependent clauses, elements of a series, and nouns of direct address. It has, you will find, other uses, too.
You’re at your computer screen, stymied by the disapproving shades of Editors Past. Here’s how to overcome writing-block ghosts and verbose vice presidents to get that piece written.