No improvement in intranet usability, study says
Intranet usability is no better—and is maybe a tad worse—than it was 10 years ago, according to a new Nielsen/Norman study. One expert, though, says too much has changed to make a viable comparison.
Intranet usability is no better—and is maybe a tad worse—than it was 10 years ago, according to a new Nielsen/Norman study. One expert, though, says too much has changed to make a viable comparison.
Two nonprofit organizations showcase how passion can help build great intranets with limited resources.
The finance and education company offers valuable tips on how to create a social intranet your employees will use and love.
Some companies just don’t need fancy social tools to make their intranets effective; what works is what employees need.
Nextel’s Latin American arm created a campaign to tout its revamped intranets with as much vigor as if it were launching a new product to the public.
Your company’s intranet doesn’t have to be ‘fun’ to make your workforce happy. Include these four things, and your colleagues will thank you.
An international shipping company uses ratings and page-visit data to determine whether pages on its intranet are popular or obsolete.
A fresh start means a clean stop, a frank assessment, and a good deal of recalibration before you try moving forward again.
Why it’s important to know what employees want before tossing social features into an intranet.
Review these steps to make sure your implementation meets your objectives and keeps all those involved happy as it evolves.
A new WordPress employee communications platform, which includes an executive blog, encourages staff for the outdoor gear retailer to speak up and speak out.
Who said an intranet has to be stuffy and boring to be effective? Here’s how to add a little flair to yours—professionally, of course.
From offering motivational messages to pure sharing of information, your internal social network can connect and energize your workforce.
The more time employees spend on the company intranet, the more they value it. Here’s the data to prove it.