8 steps to take before your CEO goes on camera
A TV interview can be disastrous if your spokesperson isn’t prepared. This PR pro walks you through the steps to take to avoid catastrophe.
A TV interview can be disastrous if your spokesperson isn’t prepared. This PR pro walks you through the steps to take to avoid catastrophe.
Your organization’s leaders, whether touting a new product or defusing an online firestorm, can sink or salvage your brand and reputation. Here’s guidance to help you light the path.
Many pepper their presentations with abbreviations or lay out lists of how-to rules—replete with extensive ancillary guidelines. Improve your talk by avoiding such pitfalls.
Some phrases can lose an audiences’ interest or telegraph that your speech is unimportant or carelessly constructed. Avoid insulting your audience by leaving out these common quips.
Give the text at least one read-through—aloud—and pick a sentence you want your audience to remember.
Facebook’s CEO stayed cool to the point of seeming robotic as politicians waded into unfamiliar waters to get answers about data mining. A media photog, meanwhile, snapped his crib sheet.
Many pepper their presentations with abbreviations or lay out lists of how-to rules—replete with extensive ancillary guidelines. Improve your talk by avoiding such pitfalls.
Give the text at least one read-through—aloud—and pick a sentence you want your audience to remember.
In most careers, at some point you’ll stand before a crowd—maybe six people, maybe 1,600—and have to deliver the goods. Own the moment, and make the most of this golden opportunity.
Prepare for curveballs by having a friend or colleagues ask you tricky questions. Don’t try to fake your way through an answer, and be sure to close with your speech’s key points.
Speaking to a reporter can be like walking a tightrope. You want to be truthful, of course, but off-the-cuff remarks can land you in trouble. Follow this guidance to maintain your equilibrium.
While journalists are intrepid in their pursuit of the truth, everyone makes mistakes. Here’s how to go about asking for a correction or a retraction without upsetting the apple cart.
The huge retailer announced it would liquidate its stores nationwide, marking the end of an era. How has it managed the story, even as former ‘Toys R Us kids’ mourn its passing?
During a prime-time interview, the secretary of education seemed unprepared and uninformed about the basic facts of her job and initiatives. Here’s how media training could have fixed it.
Bolstering your belief in yourself will help the audience trust you and retain your message. Follow this advice.