Study: Gen Z likely to buoy email as a favored channel
Those in this emerging consumer demographic, ages 13–21, seem poised to bolster this comms mode, as they barely lag Gens X and Y—and have yet to join the professional workforce.
Those in this emerging consumer demographic, ages 13–21, seem poised to bolster this comms mode, as they barely lag Gens X and Y—and have yet to join the professional workforce.
Data covering who was opening, reading and engaging with messages at FireEye, a cyber security company, prompted a change in approach, which boosted efficiency.
Insights from PoliteMail’s analysis reveal optimal length, timetable and image-to-text ratio to ensure your employees open your messages, read the content and take action.
Open rates matter, but dig deep into your list composition, lifecycle engagement and messaging mix to elevate your inbox game.
Your audiences’ inboxes are infiltrated daily with marketing materials. These tips can help your digital messaging earn clicks and customers.
Craft compelling CTAs, relentlessly A/B test, quickly welcome new prospects, and always offer meaningful value with your content.
A well-written subject line can be the difference between rising to the top of the inbox or going straight to the trash bin. Here are some tips.
Can you turn a cryptic email opening into a compelling hook for your organization? Here are some phrases that can pump new life into your email marketing.
Here are five examples showing a lighter touch when tying a product line to a holiday or pulling a customer back to an online shopping cart to close the sale. Try these tactics for your brand.
Here are five examples showing a lighter touch when tying a product line to a holiday or pulling a customer back to an online shopping cart to close the sale. Try these tactics for your brand.
Gone are the days of people perking up at the cheery ‘You’ve got mail!’ alert. Still, electronic missives are vital for conveying crucial information. Here are the pitfalls to sidestep.