Why 2020 will be a year of ‘actionable social purpose’
Communicators will help lead the way with concise, compelling messaging about organizational values and the collaborative processes for achieving them. Here are 10 trends to watch.
Communicators will help lead the way with concise, compelling messaging about organizational values and the collaborative processes for achieving them. Here are 10 trends to watch.
The idea that companies should focus solely on products and profits is losing ground. Employees—and external audiences—are increasingly demanding a deeper ethic.
Even loyal employees will seek jobs elsewhere if leaders don’t foster a sense of belonging. In 2020 and beyond, execs and communicators must inspire the embracing of diverse workers.
Start by establishing the ‘why?’ of your project. Then, work to get execs on board, and consistently prove the substantive business value of inclusive messaging.
For internal and external communicators alike, the workweek is jammed with an array of challenges and responsibilities. Our peers in the field offer these insights and tech helpers.
Adding female minds makes workgroups smarter, but there’s more to team dynamics than just elevated intellect. New research examines how women’s interactive processes promote success.