Metaphors and clichés: How imagery paints or taints our writing
Modern messaging relies on storytelling, and vivid language lies at the heart of the most compelling yarns. Here’s guidance on how to use playful, vibrant prose to superb effect.
Modern messaging relies on storytelling, and vivid language lies at the heart of the most compelling yarns. Here’s guidance on how to use playful, vibrant prose to superb effect.
Effective usage is not simply about avoiding the wrong term or phrase. Precision and power rev up your text and keep readers driving on to the finish line: your overarching message.
Linguistic sound-alikes and errant prefixes often confuse readers and jeopardize their faith in what the author wants to impart. Here’s the first installment on judicious word selection.
The professional nitpicker is your friend—honest. The seemingly arbitrary changes and brutal hacking of your magnificent prose are purposeful. Here’s what you should know.
Auxiliary verbs, we were taught in grade school, can clarify your writing, but is that always true? Let’s consider ways that they muddy the linguistic waters.
Concise text, regardless of format, improves readers’ user experience, lands your message and cultivates your reputation as a reliable, engaging authority.
Journalists use a powerful first sentence to pique interest. Use that same technique to engage your audience—internal or external—and keep them scrolling, all the way to your call to action.