Interview Video

Surfboard makers talk about their work in deeply personal terms

Who knew making surfboards was such a messy—but fulfilling—process?

Aerialite—Pride and Craftsmanship - Logo -

From the striking videography to the masterful editing, the Aerialite “Pride and Craftsmanship” video is a technical champ. But the artful treatment of its subject matter was what earned it first place in the “Interview” category of PR Daily’s 2016 Video Awards.

How much thought do you give to what goes into making a surfboard? Most people probably have no idea that making these boards is such an involved and grungy process. Dust flies as the foam blank is shaped, resin drips like icicles after it’s applied to the surf glass—it’s a dirty job, but the people who make the boards, revered among surfers, are surfers themselves who bring passion and commitment to the job. 

The videos are central to the new website launched by Aerialite, the Bouvier Kelly organization that was the first to offer a distinct Surf Glass brand for surfboards. The interviews with these board builders offer insights into a world most of us have never seen. Each interviewee, for example, addresses the three key dimensions of the product: clarity (which lets the true colors of the board shine through), strength and ease of use. 

The videos replaced a previous campaign that featured female surfing models; it’s a brilliant shift in strategy brilliantly executed. 

Congratulations to Pete Parsells, Matt Smith, Phillip Yeary and Mark Wingerter for producing a genuinely inspiring series that celebrates not just their organization’s product but also pride in one’s work. 

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