Personalized Experience

Discover’s intranet embraces personalization at a number of levels

Making it all about the employee led to 75 percent of users visiting the intranet daily.

Discover Breathes New “Life” into Internal Brand - Logo -

Externally, a lot of websites deliver multiple means for users to tailor what they see. On intranets, that’s usually limited to adding some links to the content an employee most uses. Not so at Discover, where personalization is at the heart of DLife. The intranet underwent a recent overhaul that’s won Discover first place in the “Personalization” category of Ragan’s 2018 Intranet Awards.

Based on an employee’s profile, DLife delivers aggregated content that is relevant to the employee. It also displays employees’ sites and conversations in a panel accessible from anywhere on the intranet. Employees get customized news based on their location, the reminders they get and the productivity tools they use. 

Information plays other roles on the intranet, including identifying frequently-accessed data with organizational relevance and making that data more prominent, while making departmental-level information more visible within departments. 

The high levels of personalization resulted in 15,000 visitors on the day of the intranet launch, 49,000 page views (a 58 percent increase from the previous platform) and 15,000 unique accesses every day. More than 15,000 Yammer account holders have created 600 Yammer groups (posting 14,000 messages posted in a single month). 

Congratulations to Discover’s Cathy Edwards, Kent Anderson, Steve Sinchak, Angela Devore, Shannon Good and Jenna Ellingson: and (from the agency Rightpoint) Meggan Dunne, Bill Finn, Kelly Noah, Karen Dingenberg, Tim Stahl, Tim Lamkin, Erik Abderhalden, Steve Ross, John Ingraffia, Rich Grenwick, Carlee Wolfe and Jack Davidson.


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