Print Publication

Print magazine from sealing technologies company defies expectations

Online version earned six-digit impressions, but it’s the print version that beat the competition.


ESSENTIAL is the customer magazine from Freudenberg Sealing Technologies, a B2B company that develops and markets applications in sealing technology and electric mobility solutions—not exactly a candidate for a stunning magazine. But that’s what Freudenberg produces, winning first place in the “Print Publication” category of PR Daily’s Content Marketing Awards.

ESSENTIAL targets international customers and business partners with topics designed to appeal to employees and engineers in the company’s core markets, such as vehicle manufacturers and suppliers, mechanical engineering and shipbuilding, civil aviation, agriculture and construction machinery, and food and pharmaceutical industries.

The team behind ESSENTIAL has employed “channel thinking” to keep content relevant to all these audiences, with content planning based on identifying great stories that will stand the test of time. Each issue of the twice-yearly publication has a theme, with the stories told from the perspective of users and pioneers.

The print edition focuses on reports, profiles (with strong photos), features and classic user stories. Expert interviews provide an opportunity to gain insights into current company issues. Infographics and large-format picture series supplement the format mix. (The online version is more compressed and uses moving images.)

Promoted on social media, the online version of the publication outperforms the corporate website with impressions in the six-digit range. For 2018, the magazine was viewed by more than 5,200 users in more than 7,700 sessions; those users viewed 107,853 pages, with an average time on-site of more than 5-1/2 minutes.

Congratulations to Ulrike Reich, Isolde Grabenauer, Dr. Claudia Klemm, Florian Damaschke, Tobias Jelen, David Frogier de Ponlevoy, Matthias Kneifl, Johannes Winterhagen, Dr. Laurin Paschek, Stefanie Rihlmann, Catrin Farrenschon, Nadine Hippe and Anke Rabbeau.

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