Best Blog

Filling a void, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan establishes a blog as its content hub

Research drives the mix of content published to

Blogging Toward a Healthier Michigan - Logo -

Despite a number of health care players in Michigan, research undertaken on behalf of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan determined there was no clear health and wellness leader in the state’s social media space. Recognizing that a unique opportunity existed, the team from Finn Partners and BCBSM undertook an extensive research effort to determine the type of content that would resonate with the Michigan audience. 

That research project led to a strategy designed to propel the state’s top insurer to become the go-to resource for health and wellness issues. The effort paid off based on the impressive 1.2 million page views the blog has received since its launch, and the nearly 200,000 subscriptions to the various social media channels through which the blog’s content is syndicated, representing a 45 percent increase in the community. 

The mix of content on the blog focuses on local events and issues, as well as topics identified as relevant in the region, such as the impact of health care reform. Using BCBSM health experts as sources, the blog elevates the profile of the knowledgeable staff. The blog has also served as the home for time-bound campaigns that were executed across a variety of platforms. The blog’s visually striking magazine-style approach uses imagery to draw readers in—imagery that can be repurposed in syndication to Facebook and other social channels. The posts themselves are short, written in a personal and pleasant style, and inspire sharing among readers. 

The thoughtful planning, comprehensive research, and appealing execution make our clear choice for Best Blog in Ragan’s 2014 Content Marketing Awards, and we’re honored to recognize BCBSM’s David Murray, David Lingholm, and Helen Battersby, along with Finn Partners’ Emily Shirden, Owen Donnelly, Ashley Lumm, Brian Perry, Emily Wray, Meghan McCarthy, Caitlin Gillis, and Kevin Memolo.

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