A dozen ways to overcome writer’s block

Try these 12 approaches to recharge your mental batteries and get the creative process flowing again.

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Public relations people spend much of their time writing.

That’s why dreaded writer’s block is especially troubling for them. It can strike when PR pros have to draft a press release, blog post, client email or social media campaign—usually on deadline.

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PR pros and writing consultants recommend these effective tactics for overcoming writer’s block:

1. Employ the Pomodoro technique. The time management technique breaks work into intervals, giving your brain time to rest and refresh. Write for 25 minutes without interruption, take a break for five minutes, write for another 25 minutes, then continue the pattern. A free Pomodoro timer app can help. “After 25 minutes, I take a break and reward myself. I might walk down the hall and talk with one of my co-workers about another project or get a glass of water,” writes Jennifer Gehrt for Communique PR.

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