Proofreading tips for flawless communications campaigns
Tired of letting pesky errors slip by you? Instead of hiring an editor, become your client’s most valuable asset by adopting these editing approaches.
Communications campaigns must be bulletproof.
One mistake, and readers will discount you or make fun of you online. No pressure, right?
Luckily, there are plenty of ways to head off errors before they are published. Here are 10 tips to get your proofreading skills up to speed:
1. Don’t proofread right away.
Once you’ve written your copy, let it sit before you review it. A few hours’ time is good; a few days would be even better. Having fresh eyes makes it easier to spot errors.
2. Check for one type of error at a time.
Trying to fix every mistake in your copy in one read-through won’t work. You can’t focus if you proofread this way. Instead, pick one type of error—such as spelling mistakes—and look for those first.
3. Read it out loud.
Although you might get some odd looks in the office, this tip works. You will hear how it sounds to readers and pick up on any errors that you otherwise wouldn’t have noticed.
4. Ask a colleague to read over your writing.
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