Why and how you should use podcasting—externally and internally

This audio channel is ideal for connecting with on-the-go consumers and hard-to-reach employees. Learn the reasons and ways you can get started with a few simple steps.

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Podcasting is not just red hot; it’s here to stay.

Twenty percent of Americans are regular podcast listeners, which mirrors the 20 percent of spoken-word audio content that Americans consume. (Eighty percent of the audio that Americans consume is music.)

The growth of podcasting has been steady for over a decade, and it shows no signs of abating. Money is pouring into podcasting in a number of ways. Mainstream media outlets are investing in it. Advertising networks are popping up. Sponsor dollars are pouring in. (Podcast advertising commands higher fees than other forms of online advertising.)

Despite this, few businesses are podcasting.

A friend who does business presentations for communication audiences told me he has been asking for a show of hands: Who listens to podcasts? Nearly everyone in the room raises his or her hand. When he asks whose company is producing a podcast, nobody raises a hand.

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Why the reluctance for businesses to jump on the podcasting bandwagon? I suspect there are four reasons:

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