Quiz: Commonly misused or misspelled words

These terms and phrases can trip up even veteran writers. Take this usage quiz to see how much of a word nerd you are.

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I’ve written more posts than I can count about confusing word pairs, words that are hard to spell and words that aren’t really words.

Instead of another article about usage, let’s see how you fare with a quiz.

Read the list below and make note of which words or phrases are incorrect—either from misspelling or from misstatement. Check your answers at the end.

[RELATED: Make sure your team is up to date on the latest skills, strategies and practices. Learn more about Ragan Training.]

Definitions and usage guidance came from Oxford Dictionaries, Dictionary.com and Merriam-Webster.

1. Alterior motive

2. Augurs well for the project

3. Brussel sprout

4. Caddy-corner

5. Center around

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