5 ways GIFs can amplify your content

More than just an online gimmick, these simple animations can enhance your messaging. It’s all about striking the right balance.

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The animated GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) gets a bad rap because it’s widely overused in popular culture. (Sparkling MySpace graphics and cheesy movie memes—I’m looking at you.)

In October, “The New Yorker” released its first cover designed as a GIF, adding an air of respectability to the once lowly format. It was subtle, true to its brand aesthetic, and a perfect example of one way marketers can use the file format: to add panache to their visual content.

You can easily do the same.

Rethinking the GIF

Animated GIFs are static images linked together in a single graphic to create a short animation, like a looping cartoon flip book. Think of the format the way you would think of a flip book. The more frames, the richer and more seamless the animation will appear.

Sometimes, it makes sense to use just a few frames in your GIF, such as when you want to show blinking lights or a handful of text slides. Other times you may want to opt for a smoother look that approaches that of video (without having to spend the money that you would on video or animation).

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