Choosing a PR agency: 10 questions to ask

First of all, you must recognize that asking questions is not only OK, but essential—and that goes for both parties in this important process.

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Making major decisions within your organization such as brand direction, where and when to expand your territory, when and how to launch a product, or choosing a PR agency to work with can easily become taxing.

Decisions like these can be especially challenging because they tie directly into the success of your organization, but you have to give up control to experts who are not always working side by side with you.

[RELATED: Make sure your team is up to date on the latest skills, strategies and practices. Learn more about Ragan Training.]

Choosing a PR agency that cares almost as much about your business as you do is tough, but necessary because you really don’t want to decide to work with an agency only to be disappointed, fire that agency, and have to start the process all over again.

It’s just not fun for anyone involved, and it’s exhausting.

The process of selection: It’s a two-way street

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