12 traits of successful social media managers

From voracious curiosity to a thick skin, certain attributes are crucial for survival in the online realm. Do you have what it takes?

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Why? Because anyone can call him- or herself an “experienced social media manager” these days and have some level of justification. That experience might only be their Facebook or Twitter account. But hey—that’s experience, right? In some cases, that might actually be an impressive accomplishment if the person is truly doing something special in terms of personal branding.

The point? It’s hard to evaluate candidates for social media positions. Such positions haven’t been around that long.

Even if someone has held a social media position with a brand you respect, how do you know that person was really driving the strategy and tactics that made that brand a success in the social sphere?

A lot of it comes down to interviewing, but you need to go deeper to explore who that individual is and what habits drive them in their daily lives. There are general characteristics to look for when identifying a successful social media manager.

If you’re looking to hire one, consider this article a guide to spotting desirable candidates. If you’re a social media manager yourself (or aspire to be one), you might want to see how many of these habits and characteristics you currently boast—and how many you can incorporate into your daily life.

They read obsessively

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