3 easy phrases to clarify your message
We exist in a world of sound bites, which means you need to tailor your statements, blog posts, emails, and press releases carefully. Here are a few helpful tips.
When I got older and started working in radio news, my mind and ear were trained for sound bites. What short, punchy gems will drive a message home?
Welcome to my world.
The digital space is exactly what I just described: One-liners that are compelling (and sometimes sarcastic), punchy, and message-driven. Everyone has to communicate in sound bites or those on the other end are off to another website, blog post, or video. There’s no room for verbosity in today’s world.
These three communication phrases will help you stay on message, improve your clarity, and grab the attention of others. Use them in meetings, blogs posts, emails, media interviews, and press releases. And yes, they’ll even work in your personal life. They are simple, but brilliant.
1. The goal is…
When someone in the elevator asks, “What’s your new project about?” You respond: “The goal is…” Then follow with a maximum of one or two sentences. Choose your words carefully. They’ll appreciate the distilled message. Your goal is to get the other person curious to know more.
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