The Employee Experience Conference | August 12-14, 2024,  Nashville, TN

  • Collaborate across departments
  • Measure employee engagement
  • Enhance employer brand
  • Empower managers
  • Bolster benefits and wellness ROI
  • Optimize intranets
  • Activate upskilling

Are you fully committed to positively impacting the employee experience at your organization? Today’s workers increasingly expect an employer to echo their values and commitments, offer opportunities to grow and learn, and authentically invest in their sustained success. That’s a lot for one person to tackle solo — and precisely why it takes collaboration between Communications, HR and the C-suite to shape a truly healthy, productive employee experience.

Join us on August 12-14th for Ragan’s Employee Experience Conference to learn how to improve employee engagement, retention and satisfaction while achieving business objectives. You’ll leave equipped with the strategies, insights and skills needed to help managers and leaders alike boost performance, manage change and create growth pathways that tie back to larger business goals.

You’ll be hosted at the Four Seasons in Nashville, TN for an event guaranteed to help you successfully support, measure and refine along each stop of the employee journey. From interactive sessions on navigating delicate conversations to fresh strategies for rethinking your employer brand and EVP, our Communications and HR professionals, execs and instructors will arm you with the tools and strategies you need to thrive.


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Register today! Don’t miss this opportunity to:

  • Access exclusive networking opportunities and forge new connections with your peers.
  • Learn how to equip managers with the strategies and tactics they need to guide employees and businesses into the future.
  • Launch, refine and promote a collaborative, business-minded employee experience program.
  • Learn how evolving technology like AI can help you upgrade workplace comms.

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US & Mexico Communications Leader
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Vice President of Communications, U.S. and Canada
Nissan Motor Corp.
Read bio
AVP, Internal Communications
Victoria's Secret & Co.
Read bio
Chief Communications Officer
Tennessee State Government
Read bio

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Pre-Conference Workshops
12:30-1:45 p.m.
Measurement Strategies for the Employee Lifecycle

Ragan’s Communications Benchmark Report found that over half of communications leaders consider measurement and data analytics training to be essential, underscoring the need to identify, measure and implement data-driven strategies that drive desired behavioral outcomes. In this interactive workshop, instructors will guide attendees through each stage of the employee lifecycle, identifying the best KPIs to track during onboarding, company-wide announcements and leadership changes, layoffs and organizational pivots. By the end of the workshop, you will have  a customized roadmap that connects back to enterprise-wide business objectives.

You’ll learn:

  • The employee journey: A sample full-year new-hire Comms & HR framework, which includes the various engagement KPIs each function can source along specific
  • Onboarding metrics: Collaborative strategies, tools and workflows for measuring and evaluating satisfaction, productivity ramp-up and retention rates of new hires.
  • Engagement during change: Outputs that measure how productivity and communication effectiveness meet during mergers, restructures and leadership changes.
  • Summarizing sentiment: Strategies for achieving outcomes based on employees’ experiences during each phase in the lifecycle and making decisions based on where morale correlates with performance.
  • Moving the needle: Approaches for tying outputs collected at various steps in the employee journey back to larger business objectives that will impact your organization’s bottom and top-line revenue.
  • Leadership Communication: How often managers should collect qualitative employee feedback, suggestions and concerns – and what channels and KPIs are best to share with leadership.
Chief People Officer
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1:45-2:00 p.m.
Recharge Break
2:00-3:15 p.m.
Wellness that Works: Aligning Employee Wellbeing with Business Success

In this workshop, we’ll demystify the steps organizations took to design and launch wellness programs that actually worked – and how they communicate the advantages of such programs to leadership. You’ll learn how the success of each initiative impacted organizational performance and contributed to organization-wide KPIs.

You’ll discover:

  • The 4 pillars of wellbeing: Examples of how mental, physical, social and financial wellbeing manifest in successful, well-engaged wellness plans.
  • Bridge and balance: How to launch and refine wellness programs that connect to each wellness pillar, and expand or contract offerings based on what employees tell you they need.
  • Back to business: Strategies for measuring the success of initiatives and proving the worthiness of your investment to the C-Suite by tying those successes back to business growth.
  • Consistent reinforcement: How to support, train and empower managers to stay accountable for identifying the warning signs of waning wellbeing, nurturing soft skills in their direct reports and giving feedback on the wellness program in action.
  • Prideful promotion: Where it makes sense for benefits messaging to show up in your employer brand, including career pages and employee stories, to showcase your employee value proposition.
  • Interactive audit: Pre-submitted wellness programs from workshop attendees will be reviewed live, with suggestions offered to expand, trim and streamline specific offerings relative to the employee preferences.
Brooke Wilson
Head of Resources for Living
CVS Health
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3:15-3:30 p.m.
Refresh and Recharge Break
3:30-4:45 p.m.
The Language of Leadership: Authentic Executive Comms That Inspire and Inform

Communicators who understand that a healthy employee experience starts at the top must also play the role of advisor, strategist and guide to ensure the C-suite delivers mindful messages at the right time in the right way. This workshop will dive into what it takes to shape an executive messaging strategy that helps the C-suite communicate better by melding writing, planning and omnichannel messaging to prioritize and platform employee experience — sharing not just the wins, but the challenges in a transparent, authentic way.

We’ll discuss:

  • Masterful messaging: Analyzing the elements of specific executive messaging strategies that resonated with the workforce.
  • Dynamic delivery: Omnichannel best practices for delivering engaging executive messages to a global, remote or hybrid workforce in the ideal medium.
  • Issues management: Tips on the words, style and visual approaches that persuasive leaders use to communicate during a crisis.
  • Soft skills: Tips for media training and preparing executives to speak about difficult business decisions, particularly in forums where they might need to answer questions, through an empathetic, people-first lens.
  • Owning the voice: Approaches to writing authentically with (or for) your leaders to spotlight their personality and connect their prose back to larger company goals.
  • Hands-on practice: Using a poorly crafted executive response as a starting point, you’ll refine, revise and develop it into a new messaging strategy that better meets employee expectations.
Vice President of Communications, U.S. and Canada
Nissan Motor Corp.
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5:00-7:00 p.m.
Networking Meet-Up

Join us at Mimo Bar at the Four Seasons as we get to know each other at this casual cash bar meet-up and kick off the conference in style!

Day 1
8:00 a.m.
Registration Opens
8-8:45 a.m.
Networking Breakfast
8:45-8:50 a.m.
Opening Remarks

We’ll kick off our boots and get comfortable in Nashville by unpacking some key findings from Ragan’s 2024 Communications Benchmark Report on top skills and competencies for communicators, employee engagement, AI’s impact in the workplace, DEI priorities and change communication.

8:50-9:05 a.m.
Pressing Issues

Wellness programs are expensive and don’t always move the needle. All the more reason why communicating using the language of your business isn’t just a nice upskilling perk to offer — it’s also a way to align your business and wellness strategies across functions. In this session, Ragan’s editorial team will share our research on how organizations are implementing wellness, learning and development and other employee experience initiatives — and offer tips on how to make these cases stronger by framing them around the needs of the business.

Justin Joffe
Editorial Director and Editor-in-Chief
Ragan Communications
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9:05-9:40 a.m.
Preparing Your Workforce to Withstand the Unknowable

As the sure-to-be contentious 2024 election looms amid a divided nation and the world navigates escalating global conflicts, it’s crucial that your organization’s crisis communications playbook consider and fold in employees from the outset. In this opening keynote, you’ll learn tried and true approaches for activating employee goodwill and holding steady as the world spins ever faster.

9:45-10:25 a.m.
Identifying and Meeting Shared Goals with Comms, HR and Marketing

Building a sound employee experience strategy requires comms, HR and marketing to work closely together. How can you narrow the gaps in reporting, communication and resource sharing to strengthen these partnerships? In this panel, a trio of Communications, HR and Marketing leaders will share strategies to strengthen cross-departmental ties — and how to develop and deliver on shared goals through collaboration.

You’ll learn:

  • Goal setting and alignment: how to think through the lens of other business functions by setting strategic goals and deliverables to consider how they intersect — and diverge — with those of colleagues in HR, marketing and more.
  • Polishing process: Workflow and interpersonal communication approaches that minimize the obstacles to effective collaboration.
  • Un-siloed team tech: Tried-and-true tips for sharing employee engagement insights across the enterprise.
  • Speaking from one voice: Successful approaches for aligning cross-functional goals with your employer brand that acknowledge and communicate your purpose commitments consistently across channels.
  • Perfect timing: Content calendar considerations for managing the cadence of campaign and message delivery that allow room for each function’s big push to breathe.
  • Bonus - charm offensive: How to make the case to a co-worker or leader who doesn’t understand the value of a holistic, cross-functional employee experience initiative.
Vice President of Communications, U.S. and Canada
Nissan Motor Corp.
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VP, Internal Communications
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10:30-10:50 a.m.
Industry Spotlight
10:50-11:10 a.m.
Reflect and Refresh Break
11:10-11:35 a.m.
Employer Brand and EVP Comms that Attract, Recruit and Retain Talent Year-Round

Communicators protect reputation when they align employee expectations with the company’s mission, vision, and values to engage employees — but it starts attracting the right people. In this session, you’ll learn how your employer brand and EVP can be optimized internally and externally to ensure your organization’s recruitment and retention strategies align with the reality of what it’s really like to work there.

You’ll learn about:

  • Keeping it real: How to start crafting your mission, vision and values statement when one doesn’t exist and roll it out the right way.
  • Platforming values and benefits: How comms helps the core components of an EVP show up employer branding materials when employees need to see them most.
  • Showcasing talent: Running a comms-led employee recognition tool that taps internal advocates and ambassadors for branding comms on the intranet, employee apps and LinkedIn – plus how to incorporate authentic employee stories and experiences.
  • Earned engagement: PR strategies for placing stories that amplify your engagement efforts, including giving back and volunteer work, education initiatives and purposeful partnerships.
  • Platforming retention: How to celebrate and promote employee anniversaries and other achievements as a means to boost retention – then promote them to external audiences and prospective candidates.
Director, Communications
Land O'Lakes, Inc.
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11:40 a.m.-12:40 p.m.
Beyond Pizza Friday: Crafting Collaborative Culture Experiences

Fostering a sense of belonging and inclusion among employees with different working arrangements – whether they are remote, hybrid, dispersed or deskless – often goes smoother in theory than in practice. This interactive session will explore digital strategies for fostering community between coworkers that unites all employees around a shared, people-first culture. In the second half of this interactive session, we’ll construct customized culture charters that set expectations for the employees with their experience at the forefront.

We’ll discuss:

  • Everything, everywhere: How to assess and evaluate employee segments and personas to decide what accessibility features should be included in your intranet and employee app to ensure everyone is empowered to communicate and contribute.
  • Mindful management: Inclusive approaches for managers to address distance bias, feelings of employee isolation and mental health.
  • Exceptional experiences: Innovative virtual event ideas that bring visibility to workers in less recognized roles.
  • Culture ‘classics’: The merits of embracing ‘outdated’ tools like snail mail and physical signage to reach frontline workers.
  • Interactive - Restarting RTO: Workshopping a culture charter that sets return-to-office expectations while prioritizing morale and culture.
Senior Communications Manager, Corporate Initiatives and Employee Experience
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Communications Strategist
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12:45-1:30 p.m.
Lunch and Listen
Healing your Community with Power of Music

During our lunch break, you’ll be entertained and enlightened by a musical guest.

1:40-2:10 p.m.
Optimizing Onboarding, Stay Interviews and Benefits Messaging for Managers

Delicate and personal messages build trust when they are delivered with sensitivity and tact. It’s crucial to train managers in the right way to message their reports during onboarding and benefits elections. In this panel, you’ll discover how comms can help ensure onboarding goes smoothly by preparing managers with the right prompts, talking points and intranet resources, giving them everything they need to build new relationships on a strong foundation.

We’ll explore:

  • Resource hubs: How to design a manager-exclusive portal on your intranet with talking points and strategies to ensure a smooth onboarding experience.
  • Keeping it consistent: Tips for standardizing onboarding communications to ensure managers provide incoming employees with the necessary training and support to maximize productivity.
  • Staying accountable: Strategies for ensuring managers prioritize benefits education and communicate the importance of making timely elections.
  • Minding the journey: Approaches to facilitating the right introductions to new coworkers, platforms and projects to avoid meeting fatigue and premature burnout.
  • Boosting benefits: Ways to entrust managers with boosting employee engagement by refining the talking points around the hard and soft benefits that make up your Total Rewards.
Training Manager, eCommerce Sector, North America
DHL Supply Chain
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Adjunct Professor
St. Francis College
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Vice President, Communications and Brand Experience
ING Americas
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2:15-2:40 p.m.
Walking the Talk: ERGs, BRGs and Working Groups That Boost Belonging

Whether your organization refers to them as employee resource groups, business resource groups, working groups or something else entirely, giving employees the chance to join a cohort of colleagues who share their identity, values and lived experiences can nurture a culture of belonging that deepens each employee’s commitment to your organization.

You’ll learn:

  • Making room: What it takes to launch a group that’s engaged and consistently nurtured, including considerations like meeting cadence, scope of influence and touchpoints across the organization.
  • Leadership support: How to bring in executive sponsors who are empowered and able to champion the group’s ideas among the organization and with other leaders.
  • Tactful Tapping: How to engage ERGs in wider business and culture moments while respecting their time, autonomy and workload.
  • Widening impact: Best practices for encouraging groups to participate in community outreach and volunteer efforts that align with your organization’s larger mission and purpose.
  • Holding space: Creating a labeling system that identifies rules of engagement for each meeting to protect the experience of each ERG member while still being inclusive of allies who don’t directly identify with the identity of the group.
  • Crisis support: How you can design and activate these groups to inform corporate decision-making, mitigate crises and close the gap between words and actions.
Associate Director of Organizational Effectiveness
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VP, Operations & Talent
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2:45-3:10 p.m.
Building an Effective Learning & Development Program

While Gallup found that 65% of workers consider upskilling a very important factor when looking for a new job, many organizations still struggle to launch learning and development programs that are sustainable and successful. Amid the accelerated need for training around emerging AI tools, communicators can help. In this session, we’ll hear from those who have launched successful upskilling programs by convincing the C-suite of their importance and standardizing rollout strategies across the org chart.

We’ll learn:

  • Making the budget case: How to position upskilling as part of your employer brand by highlighting the long-term benefits to growth, productivity and retention.
  • Illuminating pathways: Strategies for finding the right lessons, modules and mentors to upskill for each role and career pathway.
  • Making time: Approaches that enable managers to help records allocate time for mandatory training.
  • Shared experiences: Teaching tips that make group learning and shared development experiences worthwhile.
  • AI upskilling: How to train employees on using generative AI and other automation tools that streamline and complement their workflows while empowering them to focus on creativity and strategy.
Director, Enterprise Internal Communications
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3:15-3:25 p.m.
Industry Spotlight
3:25-3:55 p.m.
A Purposeful Pause
3:55-4:25 p.m.
Using Generative AI to Enhance the Employee Experience

While employees are concerned about the creeping influence of AI on their workflows and job security, folding education about tools into your learning and development can empower communications teams to deploy these tools for good. In this panel, you’ll learn how three companies deployed generative AI responsibly to customize content delivery streams to distinct employee personas and make messages personal.

You’ll learn:

  • What’s new: The top generative AI trends, latest AI launches, tools and platforms – plus, a step-by-step guide on how to customize and train a GPT with your org’s assets.
  • Measurement deep dive: How to monitor the effectiveness of your AI efforts, including the best AI analytics tools for communicators; measuring gen AI’s impact on content and its impact on content teams.
  • Making it real: Steps to take to set up an internal AI committee and council and how to draft AI policies and guidelines for your team.
  • AI ethics FAQ: Critical ethical considerations of using AI in communications, including copyright, user privacy and data protection issues.
  • Employee surveys: How AI tools can be deployed to streamline sentiment tracking in pulse surveys. Plus: tried and true survey questions and prompts that yield the most qualitative insights.
SVP of Editorial and Content
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US & Mexico Communications Leader
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4:30-4:55 p.m.
Boosting Wellbeing with a Player-Coach Approach to Manager Communications

The 2024 Edelman Trust Barometer found that most people (74%) trust peers and scientists to drive innovation over businesses, CEOs and government leaders. This creates a tremendous opportunity for managers who can build a player-coach relationship with their direct reports to empower their teams to become high-performers. We’ll close out the first day with a look at how communicators can ensure they’re meeting performance expectations and nurturing an innovative, inclusive team at the same time.

We’ll explore:

  • High hallmarks: The core elements of high-performance coaching, including cross-functional collaboration and leadership buy-in, and how they reshape management techniques for better employee wellbeing.
  • Defining dynamics: Active listening strategies for building a communication foundation with direct reports based on respect and clear workflow collaboration expectations.
  • Bringing Balance: How to balance productivity expectations with wellness coaching to create an experiential value add.
  • Pushing back: Productive tactics for challenging the assumptions of a manager’s leader with a positive mindset
Communications + Brand Leader, Southeast
DPR Construction
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EVP + Chief Engagement Officer
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5:00-6:30 p.m.
Reception with New Friends
Day 2
8:00-8:30 a.m.
Networking Breakfast

Meet your fellow attendees in our conference hall and use one of our icebreakers to get the conversation flowing:

What's the most memorable live music performance you've ever seen?

What's a hobby or activity you're passionate about?

What’s your favorite Southern culinary dish?

8:30-8:35 a.m.
Opening Remarks
8:35-9:00 a.m.
Solving Employee Disengagement: Lessons from the C-Suite

In this keynote panel, we’ll hear from several CHROs and CCOs who championed award-winning employee experience programs by prioritizing employee engagement in their budgets, collaborating with colleagues in comms and HR, and addressing the pain points head on.

Chief Communications Officer
Tennessee State Government
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EVP, Chief People and Culture Officer
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Chief People Officer
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9:05-9:30 a.m.
Elevating Your Town Hall Strategy

Developing a successful Town Hall requires a delicate balance between executive messaging and employee engagement. In this session, you’ll learn how one communication leader teased out a compelling narrative to transform dry town halls into dynamic, dialogue-driven experiences that shared stories from teams across the organization – and brought engagement to record highs.

You’ll become an expert at:

  • Managing the narrative: Tips for balancing company updates and corporate news alongside stories of under-acknowledged cultural contributions from passionate employees and leaders from across the business.
  • Choreographing the event: Distinct presentation styles for different forums and mediums – whether virtual, in-person or hybrid.
  • Tuning in: Tech, tools, translation and timing considerations that make your broadcasts accessible to dispersed, global and frontline workers.
  • Keeping it natural: Body language best practices for presenting in an open, inviting and approachable manner.
  • Quality Q&A: Best practices for determining whether employee questions should be asked live, pre-submitted and anonymous – including how best answer the tricky ones.
  • Bonus: AI accessibility hacks for automated translations, captions and recaps.
Internal Communications leader, Cisco Networking
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9:35-10:00 a.m.
Employee Ambassadors and Alumni Networks to Retain & Attract Talent

As future generations hold different expectations around how long they should stay at a job, more organizations find themselves hiring “boomerang employees” — former workers who return to the fold. We’ll also look at how to design a network of past employees who left on good terms to ensure the door always stays open for the right person.

We’ll discuss:

  • The hero’s return: What’s driving the boomerang employee trend.
  • Lessons learned: How comms and HR can confer on data around why employees stay and why they leave to inform the alumni network.
  • Building community: The pieces required to operationalize and launch a thriving network of past employees that’s willing to make connections connect you with quality applicants.
  • Empowering ambassadors: Strategies for activating employee advocates and ambassadors who champion your employer brand and nurture relationships with potential boomerangs.
  • Re-boarding: Strategies that save time and seamlessly re-integrate former employees.
10:05-10:15 a.m.
Industry Spotlight
10:15-10:35 a.m.
Mindfulness Break
10:35-11:00 a.m.
Standing Strong: Addressing Internal Upheaval with a Unified Voice

It’s often said that no internal crisis stays internal for long — but when social or political news opinions threaten to divide your workforce, cross-functional measures can ensure Comms, HR, Legal and leaders alike all minimize the likelihood of negative sentiment, activist employees and attrition. In this session, we’ll look at how one organization worked across functions to coordinate its response, take control of the narrative and speak from a position of solidarity with employees.

You’ll learn:

  • Decision-making frameworks: A protocol for evaluating internal and external stakeholder considerations before deciding when and how to take a stand on issues pertaining to the 2024 elections, global conflicts and societal concerns.
  • Relevant voices: How to identify and empower the appropriate leader to address the crisis at hand.
  • Calming the fire: Strategies for setting expectations of activist employees that minimize risk and lean show your organization’s mission, vision and values aren’t just written on the wall.
  • Consulting counsel: Legal considerations for addressing unionization efforts and responding to those who organize.
AVP, External Communications
Victoria's Secret & Co.
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AVP, Internal Communications
Victoria's Secret & Co.
Read bio
11:05-11:50 a.m.
Communicating During Times of Change

Managing change is never easy — especially during changing economic landscapes where employees are stretched thin, pivoting constantly, and wondering whether layoffs are around the corner. This interactive session will examine best practices for communicating about organizational changes differently. You’ll hear a case study about how REI is tackling this challenge, then pair off with another attendee to discuss approaches for to help your organization move from reacting to leading, with empathy for the employee experience at the forefront.

We’ll discuss:

  • Inclusive design: Explore strategies for managing change by partnering with employees to design change programs with, not just for, your workforce.   
  • Channeling change: Approaches for inclusive, intentional language to create dialogue during times of change and uncertainty that bridge back to your company’s shared values.
  • Psychological safety: Proven tactics for identifying and compassionately addressing stress, burnout and mental health concerns during change.
  • Equipping leaders:  Ignite change by empowering leaders with the time and information they need to be change advocates.
Sr. Manager, Internal Communications
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11:50-11:55 a.m.
Closing Remarks: Wellness Wisdom for Channeling Change

We’ll wrap up the conference with the top takeaways and wisdom gleaned from the week, with a focus on how you can fortify your employee experience during a time of rapid change.

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US & Mexico Communications Leader
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Vice President of Communications, U.S. and Canada
Nissan Motor Corp.
Read bio
AVP, Internal Communications
Victoria's Secret & Co.
Read bio
Chief Communications Officer
Tennessee State Government
Read bio
EVP + Chief Engagement Officer
Read bio
Sr. Manager, Internal Communications
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Communications Strategist
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Adjunct Professor
St. Francis College
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Internal Communications leader, Cisco Networking
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VP, Internal Communications
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Communications + Brand Leader, Southeast
DPR Construction
Read bio
EVP, Chief People and Culture Officer
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Senior Communications Manager, Corporate Initiatives and Employee Experience
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Chief People Officer
Read bio
Justin Joffe
Editorial Director and Editor-in-Chief
Ragan Communications
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Director, Enterprise Internal Communications
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Training Manager, eCommerce Sector, North America
DHL Supply Chain
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Vice President, Communications and Brand Experience
ING Americas
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VP, Operations & Talent
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SVP of Editorial and Content
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Director, Communications
Land O'Lakes, Inc.
Read bio
Brooke Wilson
Head of Resources for Living
CVS Health
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AVP, External Communications
Victoria's Secret & Co.
Read bio
Associate Director of Organizational Effectiveness
Read bio



Please reach out to Director of Conferences
Alyssa Smith.


  • Collaborative Measurement: Learn how to set, scale and satisfy goals that align with comms, HR and marketing KPIs along each stage of the employee lifecycle.
  • Tactical Tools and Tech: Embrace new and emerging workflows to ensure your tech stack is optimized to track, analyze and refine employee engagement across all business functions.
  • Empowering Managers: Master manager coaching techniques that activate leaders as guardians of the employee experience.
  • Leadership Lessons: Cement strategies for managers and C-suite alike that sharpen executive communications, build business fluency and improve town hall storytelling — whether remote or hybrid.
  • Elevating Employer Brand: Strategies to clearly and consistently communicate your employee value proposition during recruitment, onboarding and retention pushes — and how to work with alumni networks to attract boomerangs.
  • Championing Culture Amid Change: Fortify your change communications by putting mission, vision and values front and center amid new ways of working, layoffs and crises.
  • Upskilling for All: Operationalize an integrated upskilling initiative that taps into the strengths of HR and comms to prioritize learning and development with a focus on emerging technology.
  • Wellness That Works: Why most traditional wellness programs fail — and how to refine yours by prioritizing employee wellbeing alongside business needs.

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Join us for the The Employee Experience Conference:

Conference All-Access Passincludes the Pre-Conference Workshops
Standard $2,699 $2,799 $2,899 $2,999
Nonprofit/Gov $2,599 $2,699 $2,799 $2,899
Ragan Insider $2,549 $2,649 $2,749 $2,849
Conference Registration - Individual
Standard $2,299 $2,399 $2,499 $2,599
Nonprofit/Gov/Edu $2,199 $2,299 $2,399 $2,499
Ragan Insider $2,149 $2,249 $2,349 $2,449
Conference Recording On Demand
$999 $999 $999 $999
On Demand
For those who can’t attend the conference live, an on-demand option is available during the registration process.
Need help convincing management you should attend?
Download this letter to convince your boss you should attend The Employee Experience Conference.
Get your tickets early and save. Discounts are also available for the following:

Group Discounts

Would you and your team like to attend? Group pricing is available when registering! Contact Shallon Blackburn for more information.


Membership includes free registration passes. Contact Shallon Blackburn for more information on becoming a member.
Ragan Insider Logo

Insiders save on all Ragan events. Not a Ragan Insider? You can become one during registration for this event!
The Employee Experience Conference Nashville photo 1
Four Seasons Hotel Nashvillel
Conference Venue Information:
Four Seasons Hotel Nashville
100 Demonbreun Street,
Nashville, TN 37201
(615) 610-5001 Visitor Info

We have secured a room block at the Four Seasons Nashville for conference attendees. The hotel reservation link will be sent to you after registering for the conference from Ragan’s Customer Service team. Please note we are not affiliated with any third-party hotel booking services.


There are so many exciting things to do in Music City. Catch a live performance at one of the more than 180 live music venues, indulge in an original hot chicken sandwich or try another delicacy at one of the 5,000 restaurants in the city, discover more than 27 museums including the Country Music Hall of Fame, the National Museum of African American Music, and the Frist Art Museum to name a few, or take a tour of the world-famous Grand Ole Opry. With so many attractions, you’ll want to extend your conference stay in the city and enjoy all that Nashville has to offer.

eec nashville photos
  • How to Include AI and ChatGPT in Your Comms Strategy
  • Guide to Building a Better Business Case For Internal Communications Software
  • Tools to Boost the Employee Experience
  • Guide to Change Communications During Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Presentation Skills for a Hybrid World

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Want to become a sponsor? Get in touch with our team to discuss sponsorship opportunities.

Let's Partner!

A portion of proceeds from this event will be donated to TeachRock. TeachRock was founded to keep music and arts in the DNA of school systems. The organization offers meaningful lesson plans all at no cost to teachers, students, and families, inspiring deeper learning and understanding through the power of music.
Teach Rock Logo

EEC decoration 2


If you care about employee wellbeing you need to meet us at this conference!

We’ve designed the program for those in:

  • Communications
  • Human Resources
  • Employee Engagement
  • Culture
  • DEI
  • Finance
  • Operations
  • Recruiting
  • Facilities
  • Risk Management
  • Health Management Consultant
  • Insurance
  • Total Rewards
  • Employee Experience


The Employee Experience Conference Certificate

Each registration comes with a personalized "The Employee Experience Conference" Certificate of Completion for attending.


SHRM Certificate

Lawrence Ragan Communications, Inc is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP® recertification activities.

This program is valid for 11 PDCs.


Here’s what past attendees are saying about Ragan and PR Daily Events!

The Employee Experience Conference Nashville photo 2


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  • Name Lastname, Title, Company
  • Name Lastname, Title, Company
  • Name Lastname, Title, Company
  • Name Lastname, Title, Company
  • Name Lastname, Title, Company
  • Name Lastname, Title, Company
  • Name Lastname, Title, Company
  • Name Lastname, Title, Company
  • Name Lastname, Title, Company


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For questions related to event registrations, please contact:
Shallon Blackburn
Customer Service & Sales Manager



If you’re interested in sponsoring this event, please contact:
Hannah Lavelle



For information on programming and speakers, please contact:
Alyssa Smith