Why clients should dictate internal vaccine action

Here’s how one PR pro is thinking about her health care industry partners in pushing her agency staff to get the jab.

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As many businesses weigh internal messages and regulations on COVID-19 vaccines, PR agencies are thinking about their work holistically.

What does it mean to be a true business partner? If, like MediaSource—a media relations firm in Columbus, Ohio—many of your clients are in health care, how does that affect your internal message?

Lisa Arledge Powell, president of MediaSource, explains how her work with health care clients influenced her decision to mandate vaccinations for her staff.

“In mid-August,  I informed my team that they needed to be vaccinated or request an exception, which we would consider for religious or medical reasons,” Powell says. The news was shared in writing and via Zoom, with a special message for one employee who was out on vacation.

Lisa Arledge Powell

At the heart of Powell’s vaccine message was the “why.” In Powell’s words, it was to “keep the MediaSource team and our clients’ teams safe.”

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