How you can keep your organization relevant in the midst of a global crisis

Brand managers that can help connect audiences with their community, provide comfort and share crucial messages about safety and solidarity can keep their names on the tips of consumers’ tongues.

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As the COVID-19 crisis has forced brand managers to abandon planned campaigns and find new ways to reach audiences, experts have looked into the past for guidance.

Research that was done on marketing messages in the aftermath of Sept. 11 offers communicators some guidance on how to approach external messaging.

Beth Egan, associate professor at Syracuse University’s S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications, shared some insights on how brand managers should approach the current media landscape to engage anxious and downtrodden audiences.

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Here are some of her takeaways:

PR Daily: How should marketers adapt to the current situation?

Egan: Each marketer needs to address their individual role in this crisis and in the economy as a whole. If they have a product or service that people need right now, then they need to get that message out. Those are the obvious categories such as food, delivery and entertainment, which have permission to advertise right now.

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