Ragan survey: Job satisfaction at 70%, salary satisfaction 54%

Pay for women lags. Satisfaction with salaries is so-so. These are among the findings in a comprehensive Ragan Salary & Workplace Culture Survey report. How do you stack up against your peers?

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Are communicators paid enough? Are they getting raises? How do salaries compare region to region?

Ragan’s Salary & Workplace Culture Survey: 2020 Edition reveals disparities by gender and geography, with salaries in the Western region slightly topping those of all other regions.

Women earn less than men and are less satisfied with their take-home pay, the survey of more than 560 communicators reveals. Yet job satisfaction overall is encouragingly high, at 70%, suggesting that few communicators regret their choice of career.

Industrywide, the average annual base salary is $95,257. Of the four U.S. geographic regions, paychecks are highest in the 11-state region of the West, at $105,000, lowest in the 12-state Midwest, at $88,000, the Ragan survey of internal and external communicators reveals.

[RELATED: Make sure your team is up to date on the latest skills, strategies and practices. Learn more about Ragan Training.]

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