What PR pros should know about cybersecurity

The challenges that organizations face from data breaches and cybercrime fall squarely in the laps of communicators. Here’s what a savvy PR should be advocating for.

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The data breach crisis has almost become a cliché in the business world.

With organizations hoarding a vast wealth of data on their customers, from credit card information to where you live and what you like, companies are vulnerable to cyberattacks that seek to obtain that information for illicit purposes. Plus, the backlash over a failure to safeguard user data can cause a reputation problem for even the most robust organization.

Just ask Equifax.

Cybersecurity is a problem with which PR pros must be familiar. They must understand the stakes, the risks and the tactics needed to prevent a crisis, not just respond to one. To be truly effective in a modern PR role, they must help leaders make decisions about cybersecurity that will help protect the brand’s reputation.

Kaylin Trychon of Rokk Solutions in Washington, D.C., has made cybersecurity her specialty after working with corporations like Raytheon on security solutions and now is lending her expertise to others in the field.

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Trychon says the communication challenges of cybersecurity are twofold.

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