3 keys to internal comms success in 2020 (and beyond)

Follow this guidance to reach employees with personalized, targeted messaging that resonates and gets results.

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This year, successful employee communication will be personalized, targeted and tailored to specific preferences.

Sounds simple, right? Not so fast.

Gatehouse’s 2019 State of the Sector report identifies the two biggest barriers to success for internal comms teams: excessive volume of communications, and lack of time for employees to engage with the message.

Another survey found that just 13% of employees engage daily with their company’s intranet. That same survey revealed that 77% open company emails, but just 34% click on any links within.

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These numbers reflect how internal messages get deprioritized, filed away for later, briefly scanned or flat-out ignored.

To craft employee communication that motivates instead of infuriates, focus on these three keys to success:

1. Personalized and targeted communication.

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