3 tactics for promoting inclusion in employee communications

Even loyal employees will seek jobs elsewhere if leaders don’t foster a sense of belonging. In 2020 and beyond, execs and communicators must inspire the embracing of diverse workers.

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Feelings of restlessness can kick in for employees facing the vast unknown of a new year.

Trapped in their roles by institutional silos, ceilings and cliffs, some might now feel emboldened to leave. Budding talent and loyal veterans alike will go elsewhere after being repeatedly overlooked based on murky standards.

By observing how the decisions of managers square with stated policies, it is easy to know whether growth and acceptance can be enjoyed by all—or are reserved only for a few.

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For the year ahead, communicators can resolve to help leaders foster inclusion, with three elements to watch for in cultivating a sense of belonging for employees:

1. Intersectionality

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