Try these 5 free online tools to power up your writing

These resources will help you keep your text lean, clean and accessible for your audience.

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Here are five free online tools to make your writing better.

1. Hemingway Editor. Copy and paste a piece of your writing into this app, and it’ll identify overly complex sentences, passive writing and unnecessary adjectives. The result is writing that’s as lean and muscular as Hemingway’s famously punchy style.

[RELATED: Make sure your team is up to date on the latest skills, strategies and practices. Learn more about Ragan Training.]

2. Drivel Defence. This tool was created by the Plain English Campaign, the UK organization that’s been battling jargon since 1979. Sentence length is the main target with this tool, which tells you instantly what your average sentence length is, as well as how many words in each individual sentence. Aim for an average of 15 and a maximum of 24. Bonus tip: Click the possible alternative words box to weed out pretentious corporate-speak.

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