5 tips for creating content without eating up your workweek

Whether you’re composing informative blog posts or penning emails to drive business objectives, these techniques can help you streamline the process without sacrificing quality.

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Content creation, done correctly, takes time.

Fortunately, there are ways to streamline the process.

Here are five tips for saving time while still creating meaningful content:

1. It’s about quality, not quantity.

You’re better off creating less content, but of higher quality, than flooding your audience with lots of empty content.

Consistency is just as important; stick to a cadence. Releasing content every single day and then going radio silent for a week and a half will turn off an audience.

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Most prospects want to see a brand several times before they even think about doing business with it. If you can be a consistent presence in their inboxes and social media feeds, you’re likelier to get their attention than if you spam them for one week and disappear the next.

2. Create an editorial calendar.

Not only does this help you set a plan and stick to it, but it’s also more efficient to plan the month’s content in one fell swoop, rather than scrambling to pull it together piecemeal each day.

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