Why you must meticulously track internal communication initiatives

What gets measured gets managed—and funded.

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If you communicate for a living, your wage is tied to how well you gauge.

Just as marketers must meticulously track the success (or failure) of campaigns, communicators should be able to demonstrate how well they’re reaching the target audience. You wouldn’t run an ad campaign without first defining your objectives and setting up tools for measurement, so why should internal communications be any different?

Here are four reasons to start measuring the effectiveness of your work:

1. You’ll see what isn’t working. If your newsletter consistently gets zero views or opens, is it worth the effort? How about all those tweets sent into the void?

Once you collect the data to prove that a channel is ineffective, you can adjust your strategy accordingly. Some initiatives might need a fresh approach, or you might end up scrapping some projects altogether.

[RELATED: Make sure your team is up to date on the latest skills, strategies and practices. Learn more about Ragan Training.]

Either way, you can’t fix what you don’t know is broken.

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