Best Trade Media Relations

Targeted media relations campaign takes the unknown to center stage

A health care vendor became a go-to source for the media thanks to a campaign from SHIFT Communications to target the trade press.

Rising from Unknown to Center Stage in One Year - Logo -

It’s hard to gain attention when there is a major million-dollar company viewed by the media as “the only” vendor in a specific field.

That was the uphill battle facing M*Modal, a provider of clinical documentation and advanced speech technologies. It knew that to succeed in the health care media landscape, it had to be seen as an expert in key topics.

The company hired SHIFT Communications to achieve that goal just before a major new product launch in spring 2012. It wanted to not only maximize coverage and gain visibility, but also establish itself as a big player in the health care industry and an expert resource to the media.

SHIFT’s approach and success won it the award for Best Trade Media Relations in PR Daily’s 2013 Media Relations Awards.

The approach
The goals of the three-pronged approach were to:

  • Secure in-person editorial meetings for M*Modal’s attending executives and the company’s health care organization partners at major trade conferences.
  • Establish a consistent flow of media briefings and bylined articles from key company thought leaders beyond the tradeshows, focusing on its chief scientist and CMIO.
  • Increase speaking opportunities to ensure that M*Modal has a leadership presence at industry events.

SHIFT’s team achieved those goals by securing speaking engagements at top health care shows and keeping M*Modal in the headlines. It monitored the news and identified dozens of opportunities for M*Modal executives to comment on industry trends and breaking news, positioning the company as a go-to source.

The results
The agency achieved or surpassed coverage metrics and made significant strides in positioning M*Modal as a thought leader in its field. M*Modal now regularly receives inbound media requests for stories from the media.

By the numbers:

  • 100+ articles on the company and its products during the first few months of launch; 360 total pieces of coverage over the past year
  • 20 in-person conference briefings at three major industry conferences
  • One speaker position at HIMSS13 and three at the upcoming prestigious AHIMA conference
  • 25 bylines specifically related to M*Modal’s key messages
  • Regular guest blogging opportunities with and
  • An overall increase in the frequency, consistency, and quality of contributed articles in top-tier trade press

We congratulate Catherine Allen, Dave Levy, Jennifer Hirsch, Victoria Khamsombath, and Peter McCormack on their efforts.

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