Best Product Launch

RF|Binder kicks off McGraw-Hill’s partnership with Apple

Moving K-12 content to the iBooks platform is a win for educators, students, and the communication firm that planned the campaign.

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On Jan. 19, 2012, McGraw-Hill Education announced a partnership with Apple to make its K-12 content available on the iPad through the iBooks 2 platform. Communications firm RF|Binder’s task in announcing this new product partnership was to reinforce McGraw-Hill Education’s leadership in the education industry while positioning the company as an innovative business and a strong partner for educators and school districts. 

The firm succeeded, not just in garnering attention and accolades for its client but in winning first place in the Best Product Launch category of Ragan’s 2013 PR Daily Awards. 

RF|Binder’s approach combined advance work pre-pitching interviews with McGraw-Hill’s CEO, a press release distributed the day of the announcement event in New York City, general outreach pitching same-day interviews with company spokespeople, and a special advertisement appearing in The Wall Street Journal on the day of the event itself. 

The synchronized plan resulted in more than 1,500 articles appearing in top-level media outlets like The Associated Press, Bloomberg, The New York Times, and Fast Company, as well as more than 330 broadcast mentions in over 50 markets. McGraw-Hill CEO Terry McGraw was quoted extensively in approximately 75 articles, and additional corporate spokespeople were cited in 15 more articles. 

RF|Binder staff members Marie Gehret Williams, Gerald Kimber White, Lori Rodney, Syvenna Siebert, Emily Stephens, Amanda Rubin, Jennifer Myers, Will Maroni, Sarah Grill, and Stephanie Libous deserve congratulations for their work, and their contest victory.

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