How an employee-led committee can elevate your culture

Executives should embody and spread your company’s core values, but they can’t do it alone. Here’s how—and why—to create a groundswell of internal engagement.

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Company culture cannot come strictly from HR—nor from any one department.

To create a thriving, employee-centric culture, there must be a grassroots effort among employees—a groundswell of sorts—to create accountability, momentum and widespread buy-in.

That’s where a culture committee comes into play.

[RELATED: Make sure your team is up to date on the latest skills, strategies and practices. Learn more about Ragan Training.]

Culture committee members are, ideally, excellent communicators who are respected in the workplace.

Committee-driven programs or events could be fun, educational or wellness-themed events that bring employees together. The committee might even help to define (or revisit) an organization’s core values.

Committee members must be willing to talk to fellow employees. Do workers feel the culture is evolving, or eroding? What’s working? What’s dysfunctional? What matters to staffers?

Raw employee feedback provides crucial information that members can use as proof to push in specific directions. Members may also review insights from employee surveys to identify opportunities to shift behaviors, policies and attitudes.

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