10 ways to get the writing juices flowing

The empty page or blank screen can seem daunting, but often that’s not the real impediment. Try these exercises to unblock your mind.

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Writing projects can be like children.

You love them dearly, but sometimes they irritate you and you need a break.

Working on something fresh can invigorate your mind and give you a new approach to your work.

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These exercises can work for fiction and nonfiction alike:

1. Practice free association. Pull up a new Word document, take a deep breath, and write whatever comes to mind. Dig as deep as you can into your subconscious, and don’t worry about what comes out. Sometimes there’s a mental blockage from something that’s been bothering you, so write it down and get it out of your system.

2. Think outside the box. Think of something you’re passionate about, such as a hobby or a love interest, and write everything you know about it. When slumps happen, it helps to write about something you love. Even if you jot down only one paragraph, it’s rejuvenating to work on something that’s not your current project.

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