9 habits for email marketers to cultivate

Craft compelling CTAs, relentlessly A/B test, quickly welcome new prospects, and always offer meaningful value with your content.

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Our habits often determine how well we perform in life and at work.

In 1989, Stephen Covey tapped into the profound importance of shaping healthy routines by writing “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.” Although Covey’s tome wasn’t written with email marketers in mind, the advice it offers can help those who agonize daily over subject lines, body copy and list segmentation.

Using Covey’s work as a springboard, here are nine vital habits of successful email marketers:

1. They craft a clear, compelling call to action.

What sort of CTA gets the job done? It “tells your readers exactly what you expect them to do next and reminds them why it’s in their best interest to buy,” Henneke Duistermaat writes at Copyblogger.

2. They never stop A/B testing.

“A/B testing, when done properly, is a game changer,” Blake Miller writes on the SalesForce blog. “It’s important to note that a true A/B test only changes one element at a time. This will allow you to pinpoint which pieces of content—such as the subject line, preheader text or button style—affect certain metrics.”

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