7 steps to better PR writing
Follow these seven nuggets of public relations wisdom to tighten and enhance your copy.
Writing is often the linchpin of successful public relations campaigns.
Words can still inspire and influence people and motivate action—but that’s easier said than done. PR writing differs from newspaper copy or novel prose, but basic principles of writing prevail.
Here’s how to improve your PR writing:
1. Open with a strong, compelling lead. When crafting PR content, start with an engaging lead that grabs the reader’s attention. An intriguing lead slingshots the reader into your text.
2. Read your copy aloud. Have you ever spent hours editing and proofreading a piece and still managed to miss mistakes? Reading your copy out loud before hitting publish is a helpful way to prevent editorial disaster.
3. Say more with less. Instead of adding fluff to fulfill a minimum word count, tighten your copy. Cut filler, simplify sentences, and delete jargon. Strive for brevity.
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